foto: YouTube/#ngapainturing

Using soap alone is not effective enough, especially if there are a lot of stains.

  1 Juni 2024 08:30 - After repairing a vehicle or doing mechanical work, your hands will usually be full of black oil stains. This is a challenge in itself because black oil leaves stains that are difficult to remove. Apart from that, this stain can also irritate the skin if it is not cleaned properly.

To clean black oil stains , some people usually rely on soap. So, hands that are exposed to oil will immediately be rubbed with soap so that the stain can be removed. If there is not too much oil attached, this method is effective. However, if there is a lot of oil on your hands and it spreads, sometimes soap alone is not enough to remove the stain.

Instead, you can copy the trick shared by YouTube user #ngapainturing to clean black oil stains stuck to your hands. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on one kitchen ingredient to remove black oil stains. Compared to soap, this kitchen ingredient is more effective and faster in cleaning stubborn stains.

How to clean black oil stains stuck to your hands.

tricks for cleaning oil on hands  YouTube

photo: YouTube/#ngapainturing

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube #ngapainturing on Saturday (1/6), the kitchen ingredient in question is cooking oil. According to YouTube user #ngapainturing, this cooking oil will function to dissolve oil, which is actually made from oil. So, when the oil is mixed with cooking oil, the stain will dissolve and easily disappear when wiped.

"This (oil) is basically oil, the basic ingredient of oil. How do we make it clean quickly? Yes, we dilute it with cooking oil. Actually, you can also use petrol or diesel, but it will end up smelling on your hands. If you use this (cooking oil ), it doesn't smell," he explained further.

tricks for cleaning oil on hands  YouTube

photo: YouTube/#ngapainturing

Well, how to use it is quite easy. You can pour cooking oil directly into your hands. Then wipe and rub until all the cooking oil is mixed with the oil stains on your hands. If so, wipe using a dry cloth until the oil is gone.

tricks for cleaning oil on hands  YouTube

photo: YouTube/#ngapainturing

If the black oil stain has disappeared, then wash your hands as usual with soap. This will make your hands cleaner and rougher than if you wash your hands directly with soap. With this method, it is guaranteed that there will be no oil stains or oil residue on your hands.

tricks for cleaning oil on hands  YouTube

photo: YouTube/#ngapainturing

Having been watched more than 12 thousand times, this video about tricks for cleaning black oil stains on hands immediately caught the attention of netizens. It's not surprising that many other YouTube users also provided direct responses in the comments column. Most of these netizens expressed their gratitude for gaining useful new knowledge.

"Thank you, uncle, this means that if the drum gets oil and grease, it can be washed using this method, cheers up," said YouTube @yanthir4062.

"Thank you sir, this works for me hehehe," said YouTube @ethanch1.

"Thanks for the tutorial bro, I'm trying to clean a bucket of used grease. So this method is also useful and can be executed straight away," explained YouTube @aurasandra9042.
