foto: TikTok/

The dirty towels don't just look bad, they also smell musty. Not safe and comfortable to use.

  2 Februari 2024 22:00 - The high intensity of use of towels means they have to be washed regularly. Not without reason, damp towels make stains easily leave marks and are difficult to remove. Not only that, towels also often harbor bacteria and fungus because they are always damp.

Well, these bacteria and fungi can usually make stains on towels spread and become more stubborn. On the other hand, this also affects the smell of the towel when used. Usually towels that are dirty and full of bacteria tend to give off a quite strong musty odor.

If left like that, the towels used can become grubbier and less comfortable to use. You have to wash them immediately with special tricks because usually detergent alone is not effective enough to restore the brightness of the towels. One special trick that many people often use is to soak a towel in a solution of citrus and hot water. This method is considered to kill bacteria and restore bright color to the towels.

Unfortunately, using citrus actually has its own risks. If used too often, citrus can damage fabric fibers and make the surface of the towel rough. Therefore, its use must be limited.

So, to be safer, you can copy the trick for washing dirty towels like the man who owns the TikTok account In one of the uploaded videos, this man named Yahman admitted that he did not use citrus or hot water to wash his super dirty towels.

Reported by BrilioFood on Friday (2/2), the TikTok user admitted to using detergent, bar soap and another kitchen ingredient, namely dishwashing soap. With this material, Yahman admits that dirty towels that are full of stains and dull can become shiny again and have bright colors.

This trick for men to wash dirty towels is effective in making them shine  TikTok

photo: TikTok/

"This towel is very dirty, in fact it is so stiff that it is so dirty. The original color was cream but this has turned gray. I will clean this later with very simple ingredients," said TikTok

So, to wash towels like that, just prepare water in a bucket. Then pour in 1 capful of liquid detergent and dish washing soap. Stir the two ingredients until evenly mixed and dissolved in water.

This trick for men to wash dirty towels is effective in making them shine  TikTok

photo: TikTok/

Next, put in the towels you want to wash. Soak this towel for at least 15 minutes. After soaking, remove the towel and discard the soaking water because it is very cloudy. Then rub all parts of the towel with bar soap. If so, let me check it for a while so that the soap is more evenly distributed.

This trick for men to wash dirty towels is effective in making them shine  TikTok

photo: TikTok/

After applying soap evenly, brush all parts of the towel. For areas with thick stains, you can brush vigorously to make the stain fade. If so, rinse the towel immediately until the foam disappears or the water soaked in the towel becomes clear.

This trick for men to wash dirty towels is effective in making them shine  TikTok

photo: TikTok/

So, the foam-free towel is soaked again with fragrance to make it even more fragrant and soft. Then just soak for 5-10 minutes. After that, squeeze and dry in the sun until dry. That way, the towels will look shinier and the color will become brighter again.

How? Easy enough, right? You can immediately practice this method if you have dirty towels. With these simple ingredients, you can restore the color of your towels to a brighter color. TIPS FOR WASHING VERY DIRTY TOWELS #how to wash dirty towels #yahmancn #fyp DJ Balada Boa X Pika Pika Kawenimeri - DJ USUP
