
Pans are one of the kitchen utensils that often turn yellow because they are used to cook turmeric.

  10 April 2024 21:00

Brilio.net - Turmeric is a spice that is often used in cooking because of its distinctive aroma and yellow color. However, there is one common problem that often occurs when using turmeric, namely that this spice always leaves yellow stains that are difficult to remove. Good when it sticks to hands, clothes, and kitchen furniture. Pans are one of the kitchen utensils that often turn yellow because they are used to cook turmeric.

The yellow stain is caused by natural coloring compounds found in turmeric called curcuminoids or curcumin. Well, the curcumin that sticks to the surface of the pan tends to stick tightly and is difficult to remove if you just wash it as usual using soap. Therefore, many people have a dilemma when cooking turmeric because of its yellow stain.

Even so, there are a number of people who rack their brains when they want to remove turmeric stains from the pan. One way is to use baking soda. So, this baking soda will be mixed with warm water and dish soap and then applied to the surface of the pan that is stained with turmeric yellow.

But apart from baking soda, there are other ingredients that are no less effective for removing turmeric yellow stains on pans , you know. This material was presented by TikTok user @trihartatiiii. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on one simple ingredient he had at home.

The trick to removing turmeric yellow stains on a pan only uses 1 ingredient.

Reported by BrilioFood from the TikTok account @trihartatiiii on Wednesday (10/4), the simple ingredient in question is toothpaste. Well, this toothpaste contains a number of chemicals that can remove yellow turmeric stains, such as fluoride and silica. Not only that, toothpaste also contains sodium bicarbonate which can help remove turmeric stains without damaging the surface of kitchen furniture.

tricks to remove yellow turmeric stains (Eid stock)  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@trihartatiiii

How to use this toothpaste is quite easy. First of all, wash the pan clean first. Make sure there is no residue attached, okay? After that, immediately apply toothpaste to the yellow surface of the pan using an old toothbrush.

tricks to remove yellow turmeric stains (Eid stock)  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@trihartatiiii

While oiling, gently rub the yellow surface of the pan. When it has been smeared evenly, leave the pan in this condition for a few minutes. Then rub again until the yellow stain is completely gone and lifted.

tricks to remove yellow turmeric stains (Eid stock)  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@trihartatiiii

Finally, rinse the pan in running water until the remaining stains and toothpaste are gone. If necessary, you can rinse it while rubbing the surface of the pan to get maximum cleanliness. That way, the pan will shine again and be really clean, you know.

How about it, it's quite easy, right? You can copy this trick if you experience a similar problem. Apart from pans, toothpaste can also be used to remove turmeric yellow stains on other kitchen utensils such as glasses, plates, knives and even blender glasses. That way, it is guaranteed that your kitchen furniture will always be shiny and free of turmeric stains.

@trihartatiiii Save and sare bun, which TIPS did you just know? #kitchentips #kitchentricks #irtkreatif nhc n n - Dinocucsuc

Benefits of turmeric for health.

Turmeric, or Curcuma longa, is a spice that has long been used in traditional medicine because of its diverse properties. Here are nine benefits of turmeric for health.

1. Anti-inflammatory.

Turmeric contains the compound curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties, helps reduce inflammation in the body and can be useful in reducing arthritis symptoms.

2. Antioxidants.

Curcumin is also a powerful antioxidant, protecting body cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

3. Supports heart health.

Turmeric can help improve heart health by reducing inflammation and oxidation, and helps regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

4. Improve brain function.

Curcumin can increase brain growth hormone levels and stimulate the formation of neurotrophic factors which can improve brain function and prevent degenerative brain diseases.

5. Reduces the risk of cancer.

Several studies show that turmeric and curcumin can help prevent the growth of cancer cells and suppress tumor formation.

6. Supports digestion.

Turmeric stimulates bile production by the gallbladder, which helps break down fats and improves digestion.

7. Reduces symptoms of depression.

Curcumin can increase levels of neurotransmitters related to mood, which can help reduce symptoms of depression.

8. Supports liver function.

Turmeric can help protect the liver from damage and improve detoxification function.

9. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Some research suggests that turmeric may help fight damage and inflammation associated with Alzheimer's disease, as well as improve cognitive function.

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