YouTube/imam kreatif ; YouTube/Mr. Maker

Of course, because of the presence of mice, the house becomes messy, smells dirty, and there is a risk of transmitting disease.

  10 April 2024 16:00 - Rats are known as destructive pests. Usually these rodents often appear and damage rice, sugar cane and various types of vegetables. Rats often appear in the house and destroy things.

Of course, because of the presence of mice, the house becomes messy, smells dirty, and there is a risk of spreading disease. Because mice usually target various foods in the kitchen which are at risk of transmitting disease.

If left alone, mice will breed quickly . As a result, the mouse population in the house will increase.

To minimize this from happening, a number of people deliberately make traps to catch mice. Mouse traps can be made from used tools such as leftover drinking water bottles or jars. Just make a hole then put food as bait. After that, place the trap in an area where mice frequently pass.

Apart from that, if you don't have time to make traps, you can also use other methods to reduce the rat population at home. The method was demonstrated by YouTube user Imam Creative, who decided to make a simple concoction to repel mice. Apart from making it easy to imitate, the ingredients for making it are also fairly easy to get.

Curious about how?

An effective way to make a mouse repellent potion is simply to add 1 type of leaf.

The aroma of this liquid is very distinctive and very strong. "And we use the aroma to repel mice," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from creative imam YouTube on Thursday (28/3).

The first step, first peel the shallots and garlic. Once done, chop both types of onions into small pieces. Then put in the pan.

Betel leaf rat repellent concoction  2024

photo: YouTube/imam creative

After that, he also used one type of leaf as a mixture for rat repellent liquid. The leaves in question are betel leaves. Without needing to wash it, immediately slice the betel leaves and put them together in a pan.

Betel leaf rat repellent concoction  2024

photo: YouTube/imam creative

Pour enough water then boil the mixture on the stove. Wait a few moments until the water really boils. If so, turn off the stove and wait a few moments until it cools down.

Betel leaf rat repellent concoction  2024

photo: YouTube/imam creative

Once cool, strain then add a few drops of table vinegar. Stir then pour the mixture into a spray bottle. The rat repellent concoction is ready and can be used straight away.

Betel leaf rat repellent concoction  2024

photo: YouTube/imam creative

How to apply it, just spray it into areas that mice often pass by. Because the smell is strong, the mice move away by themselves. That way the rat population in the house will be reduced.

Tricks for storing food so that mice don't eat it.

Mice can be quite a problem in homes or food storage areas. Here are some tricks for storing food so that mice don't eat it.

1. Use a closed container.

Store food in airtight and tightly closed containers or containers. This will make it difficult for mice to reach.

2. Check and repair leaks.

Make sure all containers or storage areas do not leak. Mice can enter a room through small cracks or holes in the walls, so make sure to repair any leaks.

3. Clean the storage area.

Make sure food storage areas are kept clean and free of food scraps or crumbs that could attract mice. Clean regularly and dispose of rubbish properly.

4. Store food in a place that mice cannot reach.

If possible, store food in a place that mice cannot easily reach, such as a closed cupboard or refrigerator.

5. Use rat repellant.

There are many rodent repellants available on the market that can help repel rodents from food storage areas. You can consider using one of them.

By following the tips above, you can help protect food from mouse attacks in your home or storage area.
