foto: YouTube/EK TV CHANEL

Because there are so many of them, sometimes mold makes the pillow look yellowish.

  4 Februari 2024 10:30 - Pillows are tools used to support the head while sleeping. Because of its soft texture, using a pillow is effective in making you sleep more soundly. Out there, pillows are sold in various materials. Such as from kapok, latex, wool, dacron, to microfiber.

However, whatever the material it is made from, mold can still grow if the pillow is not kept clean. Because of the large amount, sometimes mold makes the appearance of the pillow look yellowish . Meanwhile, if you look closely, the black spots which are mold will be clearly visible. Investigating this, this is because the pillow was placed in a room where the air was damp.

Because they are confused about how to clean it, a number of people end up throwing away the moldy pillow. In fact, you can clean it yourself at home, you know. To do this, you can soak the pillow in citrus solution for a few moments. That way, the black spots of fungus will fade by themselves.

But if you don't have a stock of citrus at home, there's no need to worry. Because there are other methods that can be practiced to remove yellow stains which are collections of mold on pillows. The method was demonstrated by YouTube user EK TV CHANEL. In the video upload, the account owner shows each step when washing his baby's pillow.

It's dull, dirty and full of mold. "The color was originally light blue and became full of yellowish stains like this," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube EK TV CHANEL on Sunday (4/2).

washing baby pillows  2024

photo: YouTube/EK TV CHANEL

To clean it, he immediately rubbed the yellow stains all over the surface of the pillow with bleach. As seen in the video, the process is carried out using an old toothbrush.

"This not only cleans it immediately, but also makes it shine," said the owner of the video.

washing baby pillows  2024

photo: YouTube/EK TV CHANEL

After brushing for a while, the appearance of the pillow immediately changed to shine again. If this is the case, immediately put the pillow into the bucket containing the detergent solution. Soak and leave the pillow for a few moments so that all the stains are removed.

washing baby pillows  2024

photo: YouTube/EK TV CHANEL

Because it has been soaked for a while, the pillow dirt also dissolves in the soaking water. Don't be surprised if the color of the soaking water ends up looking dark and cloudy.

Even though it is clean, the use of bleach leaves a very strong aroma on the pillow. To get rid of it, this netizen deliberately added one kitchen ingredient to the soaking water, namely table vinegar.

"Just one or two drops, add softener and then rinse it off so that it gets maximum cleanliness and smells good," he said.

washing baby pillows  2024

photo: YouTube/EK TV CHANEL

Stir it around then soak the pillow for a while before finally rinsing it with clean water. Once done, squeeze and dry the pillow in direct sunlight. Once dry, the pillow looks clean and shiny like new, right?

washing baby pillows  2024

photo: YouTube/EK TV CHANEL

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.