foto: TikTok/@kireisuru - Clean house floors are one of the important keys to making a house feel comfortable. However, various kinds of dust and stains brought in from outside can always make the floor dirty. Therefore, sweeping and mopping the floor regularly is the right solution to keep the floor clean .
Unfortunately, even after mopping, many people find the floor smells fishy or even slippery. This often happens when the mop used is dirty. Apart from that, the cleaning fluid used is also not in the right dosage.
To overcome this, make sure the mop is always washed thoroughly after every use. Apart from that, you can also make the right cleaning fluid mixture. Usually some people will add salt or vinegar to the floor cleaning fluid. After investigating, salt and vinegar can make the floor more fragrant and rough.
However, if you want the smell and smell to last longer, you can use a trick shared by TikTok user @kireisuru when mopping the floor. Reported by BrilioFood on Monday (1/4), the TikTok user admitted that he only used one additional ingredient to mop the floor. Well, these additional ingredients can also be obtained easily in the kitchen, you know.
To be clear, the additional ingredient in question is dishwashing soap. To use it, just prepare a bucket. Then add enough floor cleaning fluid and dish soap. If so, dissolve it with hot water.
photo: TikTok/@kireisuru
So, so that the mop can be held easily, you can mix hot water with cold water. So the water temperature will be warmer and safer on the skin. Next, add the mop and stir so that all the ingredients are evenly mixed.
photo: TikTok/@kireisuru
According to TikTok user @kireisuru, it's best to use a microfiber mop to make the floor cleaner and less rough. Then after inserting it, press the mop. After that, lift and squeeze out a little water using your hands. So, this mop is ready to be used to mop the floor as usual.
photo: TikTok/@kireisuru
Basically, the addition of dish soap and hot water will help remove stains and dust more optimally. That way, no remaining stains will be left behind and could potentially cause the floor to smell. It's not surprising that the floor of the house that has been mopped is much rougher and smells better.
"The most important thing is that you don't need to mop every day because it can last from 3 days to a week," said TikTok @kireisuru.
photo: TikTok/@kireisuru
How? Interested in trying it too? The video about floor mopping tricks shared by TikTok user @kireisuru immediately caught the attention of netizens and has been watched more than 28 thousand times on TikTok. Among them, there were those who responded directly in the comments column.
"How does it feel so hot," asked the TikTok account @IbukIdaaah.
"Add regular water to make it warm," explained the TikTok account @witchry3.
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Tips to keep your house floors always shiny and smooth.
To keep the floors of your house always shiny and smooth, you can follow the following tips:
1. Sweep regularly.
Sweeping the floor regularly can help remove dust and dirt that can make the floor look dull.
2. Use the right cleaning tools.
Use cleaning tools appropriate to the type of floor, such as a broom or vacuum cleaner for wooden floors, and a microfiber broom for ceramic or marble floors.
3. Wipe with a wet cloth.
For waterproof floors, wipe the floor with a damp cloth to remove dirt that is difficult to remove with a broom.
4. Use appropriate cleaners.
Use a floor cleaner that suits the type of floor. Avoid using cleaners that contain harsh chemicals that can damage the floor.
5. Avoid using too much water.
If you use a wet cloth to clean the floor, make sure not to use too much water so that the floor doesn't become slippery and dries quickly.
6. Use a microfiber cloth.
Wipe the floor with a microfiber cloth to remove dust and dirt more effectively without damaging the floor surface.
7. Use floor polish.
For floors that need it, use floor polish regularly to maintain its shine and roughness.
8. Protect the floor from scratches.
Protect the floor from scratches by using carpet or footwear in areas that are frequently traversed.
9. Maintain general cleanliness.
In addition to taking special care of the floors, keep the house clean in general to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating on the floors.