foto: Instagram/@indra80wahyu

Because its position is closest to the frying pan, the stove burner automatically gets dirty easily with stains from cooking ingredients such as oil, sauce, etc.

  1 April 2024 03:00 - The stove is an important part of the stove to hold the pan in a stable position while cooking. However, because its position is closest to the frying pan, the stove burner automatically gets dirty easily with stains from cooking ingredients such as oil, sauce, and so on. If left unchecked, stains on the stove burner can turn into stubborn crust, you know.

This is also often experienced by men who use the Instagram account @indra80wahyu. This man said that his stove stove was not only covered in scale stains, but also mold because his kitchen was often damp. The process of cleaning the stove stove using water and soap alone will not work if the stain is thick enough like this.

These gentlemen have a trick to get rid of stove scale  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@indra80wahyu

Many people choose to clean crusty stove stoves by rubbing with toothpaste. Toothpaste is commonly used as a cleaning agent for dirty kitchen furniture. On the other hand, there are other tricks that are no less effective for eradicating stains on stove burners. The owner of the Instagram account @indra80wahyu also has a great trick.

How to clean a moldy and crusty stove stove.

He said that the stove stove can be cleaned so it shines again using the addition of one kitchen ingredient, namely baking soda. The trick is to sprinkle quite a lot of baking soda on the stove burner which has been placed in the basin. Then, pour hot water until all parts of the stove are completely submerged.

"Remember, baking soda, not baking powder," said the owner of the Instagram account @indra80wahyu, quoted by BrilioFood on Saturday (30/3).

After that, pour in a little detergent or any type of liquid soap. Stir until foam appears. Then let it sit for a few minutes until the water is no longer hot.

These gentlemen have a trick to get rid of stove scale  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@indra80wahyu

When the soaking water is no longer hot, then scrub the stove with the help of wire wool. Because it has been soaked, scale and mold stains on the stove burner are easy to clean, you know. Finally, when the stove burner is free of stains, rinse it under running water and dry it before using it again.

These gentlemen have a trick to get rid of stove scale  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@indra80wahyu

Peeking at the comments column on @indra80wahyu's Instagram upload which has been viewed 730 thousand times, quite a few netizens are curious about whether this trick really works to clean stove burners. Are you curious about trying it too?

How to prevent stove burners from rusting.

Stoves are made of iron, so they have a risk of rusting if they have been used for years. But don't worry, because there are a number of ways to prevent the stove from rusting.

1. Clean regularly.

Clean the stove burner regularly after use. Remove any remaining food or oil that may be stuck to the surface.

2. Dry after getting wet.

Make sure the stove burner is completely dry after cleaning. Moisture can speed up the rusting process, especially if metal has been exposed to water but not dried properly.

3. Use cover.

If possible, use a cover or lid on the stove when not in use. This will protect the surface from exposure to moisture which can cause rust.

4. Use coating protection.

You may also consider using additional protection or lining for the stove burner, especially if the stove is rarely used. This will help protect the surface from moisture and corrosion.

5. Consider protective paint.

If you are worried about rust, you can also consider using a protective anti-rust paint designed specifically for metal surfaces.

6. Stove furnace maintenance.

Carry out regular checks on the stove burner to ensure there are no damaged or chipped parts that could increase the risk of rust.

7. Avoid direct water exposure.

Avoid letting water pool or drip directly onto the surface of the stove burner. Also make sure there is no moisture trapped under cooking equipment or other equipment.
