foto: TikTok/@yudyudii8 - Every bridal couple certainly wants their wedding to go according to their dreams. It's not surprising that many couples prepare for their wedding very carefully and for quite a long time. This is of course to avoid unwanted bad things.
Unfortunately, even though we have prepared well in advance, sometimes disasters or unpleasant events occur on the wedding day. Just like what happened to a bride in the video uploaded by the TikTok account @yudyudii8. The owner of the TikTok account @yudyudii8, who works as a photographer at a wedding event, once shared an unpleasant moment at the party.
In a 17-second video, he shows the appearance of a wedding dish filled with thousands of flies. Yup! There were really a lot of flies in that place and flying everywhere. In fact, most of them participated in the wedding food offerings.
photo: TikTok/@yudyudii8
Some dishes such as satay and crackers appear to be covered with oil paper. However, the lid is not really tight and there are still lots of gaps, so flies still land on the food. Even so, a number of people looking after the food seemed to remain relaxed and only occasionally wiped the table to make it cleaner.
photo: TikTok/@yudyudii8
Since it was uploaded on Tuesday (3/7), this video immediately went viral and has been watched more than 14 million times. After investigating, the dishes at the wedding were still eaten by the invited guests. This was explained further by TikTok user @yudyudii8 in the comments column when a netizen asked.
"Did invited guests eat or not," asked the TikTok account @upi.rr.
"Just eat and ignore flies," replied the TikTok account @yudyudii8.
photo: TikTok/@yudyudii8
From this statement, many netizens then responded. It's not surprising that quite a few netizens have assumed the cause of the large number of flies at the wedding location. For example, because the wedding venue is close to a garden or farm.
"Because the population is used to it, it means there are farms/agriculture nearby, " explained TikTok @KimJ0ngUn.
"Maybe nearby there is someone harvesting chickens so there are lots of flies," said TikTok @PASIR_dibaH_O.
"This looks like a house. It's near a chicken coop that's harvesting chickens, so there's a lot of flies. Don't even have a lot of food on the terrace of the house," said TikTok @bungaapaaja_.
photo: TikTok/@yudyudii8
Even so, the appearance of thousands of flies on this wedding dish certainly makes you shudder or a bit horrified. In fact, there are a number of ways you can do to repel or even prevent flies. One netizen also shared tricks for getting rid of flies via the comments column.
"Use boiled pandan water,
I don't like the smell of pandan flies
"I sell satay before I open the table and cart using pandan water," explained TikTok @orian_jaya.
Apart from pandan leaves, flies also don't like papaya leaves. So just put papaya leaves on food or areas that are visited by lots of flies . After 30 minutes, the flies will go away by themselves because the smell of these leaves is also not liked by flies. Therefore, the more papaya leaves, the faster the process will be.
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