foto: Instagram/@tinisusani

The habit of washing glasses with too hot water or using detergents that are too harsh can speed up the dulling process.

  2 September 2024 11:00 - Glasses are one of the kitchen utensils used almost every day. Among the many types, glass glasses are most often chosen because they are durable and can withstand heat. In addition, most of the glass designs tend to be clear, making them more aesthetic.

But over time, the glass used can become dull and lose its shine. The main cause is usually the buildup of residue from hard water, detergent, or leftover drinks that are not completely cleaned when washed. This dullness not only reduces the beauty of the glass, but can also make drinks look less attractive when served.

In addition, the habit of washing glasses with water that is too hot or using detergent that is too strong can also accelerate the dullness process. Mineral particles from hard water can stick to the surface of the glass, leaving white spots that are difficult to remove. Likewise, the use of detergent can leave a thin layer on the glass and cause this item to look dull even after being washed.

To overcome this problem, it is important to know how to clean and care for glass glasses. If you are confused, you can imitate the trick shared by Instagram user @tinisusani. Through one of her uploaded videos, she admitted to only using one simple ingredient to make glass glasses clear again in 15 minutes even without brushing.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @tinisusani on Monday (2/9), the simple ingredient in question is citric acid . Well, this citric acid can help remove stubborn dirt that makes glasses dull. The stain removal process is also really optimal even though the glass is not scrubbed using a brush.

quick trick to remove dull stains on glass  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@tinisusani

To be more precise, put the glass in a stainless steel container or basin. After that, rinse the glass with warm water. Make sure the glass is completely submerged in warm water. Then add enough citric acid and stir for a while.

quick trick to remove dull stains on glass  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@tinisusani

Once done, soak the glass for just 15 minutes. Well, the citric acid in vinegar is able to dissolve and remove mineral buildup from hard water, such as calcium and magnesium which are often the main causes of dullness on glasses. When citric acid is applied to dull glasses, it works by breaking down these mineral layers, making the stains easier to clean and the glass looks clear again.

quick trick to remove dull stains on glass  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@tinisusani

Well, after soaking, just rub the glass using the surface of your hand. After that, rinse it thoroughly under running water. The cleaned glass will look clearer and cleaner.

In addition to using citric acid, cleaning dull glass can also be done in several other ways that are no less effective. One popular method is to use a mixture of water and white vinegar. White vinegar contains acetic acid that can dissolve mineral residue that accumulates on the glass.

How to use it, soak the glass in a mixture of water and white vinegar for about 10-15 minutes, then gently scrub with a non-abrasive sponge. After that, rinse the glass with warm water until clean and dry with a soft cloth to prevent water spots from appearing.
