
Mud cakes are soft and slightly dense in texture.

  23 Juni 2024 02:00 - Mud cakes are one of the market snacks that are targeted by many people . The reason is, mud cakes have a delicious taste that makes anyone addicted . Not only that, mud cakes also have a soft and slightly dense texture.

If you make your own mud cake, you can add purple sweet potato to the mixture. The following is the recipe for purple sweet potato mud cake, BrilioFood reported from the Instagram account @deviirwantari.

single recipe 5-8 19  2024

photo: Instagram/@deviirwantari

- 500 gr granulated sugar
- 500 gr triangular wheat flour
- 500 gr purple sweet potato
- 200 gr margarine, melt
- 5 egg yolks
- 4 egg whites
- 1 liter coconut milk
- 1/2 tsp vanilla
- A pinch of salt
- Enough purple dye

- Grated cheese
- Cherry slices
- Raisins

How to make:
1. Beat sugar and eggs until white and fluffy. Then add salt and vanilla.
2. Add coconut milk, alternating with sweet potatoes. Then add the flour until finished. Turn off the mixer.
3. Add coloring and finally margarine, stir using a spatula. Until mixed well.
4. Heat the mold, no need to grease anything. Once hot, pour the mixture into the mold, keep the heat low, so it doesn't burn
5. Close the mold. Once cooked, sprinkle with raisins or grated cheese. Close again. Let it cook. Remove from mold. Ready to be served.
