foto: Instagram/@resepbundaidola

Apart from adding flavor, telang flowers also make klepon purple.

  22 Juni 2024 02:30 - Klepon skin dough can be added with various ingredients according to taste. One of the ingredients is butterfly pea flower. Apart from adding flavor, telang flowers also make klepon purple. It gets more interesting when served, right?

The following is a recipe for telang flower klepon that BrilioFood has reported on Instagram @resepbundaidola.

How to make butterfly pea flower klepon  2024

How to make butterfly pea flower klepon

- 200 gr sticky rice flour
- 2 tablespoons rice flour
- 30 butterfly pea flowers/according to taste
- 150 ml of water
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 pandan leaves, summed
- Water for boiling

- Brown sugar, cut into pieces

Sprinkling, mix well (steamed for 15 minutes):
- 1/2 coconut, grated white part
- 1/2 tsp salt

How to make:
1. Boil water, add butterfly pea flowers, stir, strain the water
2. Mix glutinous rice flour, rice flour and salt, pour in the butterfly pea flower water, stir well, if it's still not enough, add plain water gradually. Stir well until the dough can be rolled up
3. Take enough dough, flatten it in the palm of your hand, fill with brown sugar, make a circle
4. Boil enough water and pandan leaves. Enter the phone. Boil the klepon until it floats and is cooked, remove from heat, set aside
5. Cover with grated coconut, serve.
