
Fried bananas, but different from usual.

  23 Juni 2024 01:00 - Bananas can be processed into various dishes . One of the popular preparations is fried banana comb. To make the texture even crispier, make sure you use the right amount of ingredients, okay? The following is a recipe for fried bananas set aside, BrilioFood reported from Instagram @susie.agung.

single recipe 5-8 19  2024

photo: Instagram/@susie.agung

- 8 ripe kepok bananas
- The oil for frying

Dyeing Ingredients:
- 7 tablespoons wheat flour
- 3 tablespoons rice flour
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 1-2 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp vanilla
- Enough water to achieve the desired dough thickness

Lining material:
- Enough bread flour

How to make:
1. Peel the banana, then cut it in half.
2. Mix all the dipping ingredients, pour water little by little until it reaches the desired consistency.
3. Put the banana into the dipping mixture, then roll it in the breadcrumbs until evenly mixed.
4. Fry in hot oil over medium heat until golden brown.
5. Remove, drain and serve while warm.
