YouTube/Anandea Kei

Usually it takes 40-60 minutes for it to cook completely.

  1 Mei 2024 18:00 - Pearl sago is generally used to add to various foods and drinks to enrich the texture and taste. Its versatile use makes sago pearls suitable for various types of dishes, especially dessert menus or sweet foods. One of the most well-known uses of sago pearls is to mix traditional drinks, such as ice teler or ice mix.

Basically, the chewy and soft texture of sago pearls gives a delicious sensation when eaten. However, to get chewy pearl sago, a special boiling technique is needed. The reason is that raw pearl sago has a very hard texture. If it is not boiled until fully cooked, the middle of the sago will appear white, indicating that it is not yet completely chewy and is still hard.

Then to boil the pearl sago , it takes 40-60 minutes for it to cook perfectly. In fact, if you know the technique, the boiling duration can be shortened to save more gas, you know. Without special equipment such as a pressure cooker, pearl sago can be cooked perfectly and not sticky even if it is only boiled for 10 minutes.

In more detail, this method of boiling sago pearls for 10 minutes was shared by YouTube user Anandea Kei. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only applied a very simple technique. However, the resulting sago pearls are perfectly cooked, not sticky or easily crushed.

How to boil pearl sago to save gas so that it cooks evenly, has a beautiful clear red color and is not sticky.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Anandea Kei on Wednesday (1/5), the first thing to do is boil water in a pan. No need for a special pan, you can use any pan you have at home. But make sure the pan has a tight lid, OK?

how to boil sago pearls to save gas in 10 minutes  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Anandea Kei

After the water boils, put 50 grams of pearl sago into it. Then cover the pan and boil for 5 minutes. If so, turn off the stove and let it sit for 30 minutes with the pan still covered.

After letting it rest, cover the pan and stir the pearl sago so it doesn't stick. At this stage, pearl sago still appears to have white spots (a sign that it is not yet ripe). So, after stirring, cover the pan again and turn on the stove. Boil the pearl sago again for 5 minutes.

how to boil sago pearls to save gas in 10 minutes  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Anandea Kei

When it has been boiled for 5 minutes, turn off the heat again. Then let it sit for a while until the sago pearls are completely cooked and the water is cold. Only then drain the pearl sago and transfer it to a bowl. That way the sago pearls are ready to be used.

how to boil sago pearls to save gas in 10 minutes  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Anandea Kei

Since it was uploaded on February 22, this video about how to boil sago pearls has been watched more than 9,000 times. Many netizens are interested and want to try this useful trick directly. This was expressed through the video's comments column.

"You can try this," said YouTube @rudimasduki1875.

"Thank you, Mom, for the tips on boiling pearls so they are perfectly cooked," said YouTube @syaheni8346.

"So you know how to cook more economically," said YouTube @bukukuat4499.

"Thank you for sharing the tips, immediately try how to boil pearls," said YouTube @listrani9000.

"It's very helpful for beginners like me who have never tried cooking pearl sago," explained YouTube @Kkaangkathifakirani.

How to store boiled pearl sago.

Storing boiled sago pearls properly will keep them fresh and can be used in various dishes. Here are several ways to store boiled pearl sago.

1. Soak in cold water.

After boiling, soak the pearl sago in cold water to prevent it from becoming too sticky and crumbling easily.

2. Strain and rinse.

After soaking, strain the sago pearls and rinse with clean water to remove any remaining starch.

3. Store in a closed container.

Store pearl sago in a tightly closed airtight container to prevent it from being exposed to air and becoming hard.

4. Add a little oil.

To prevent the sago pearls from sticking together, add a little vegetable oil to it and stir gently.

5. Store in the refrigerator.

If you are not going to use it immediately, store the pearl sago in the refrigerator to maintain its freshness.

6. Use for a short time.

Boiled pearl sago should be used immediately within 1-2 days for best results.

7. Don't leave it too long.

Avoid storing boiled pearl sago for too long because it can make it hard and lose its texture.

8. Avoid repeated heating.

Avoid heating boiled pearl sago repeatedly because it can make it too soft or crumble.

9. Check condition.

Before use, check the condition of the boiled sago pearls to ensure there are no signs of damage or spoilage.
