
If the temperature is too hot, it will cause the fabric to become sticky and burn when hit by the ironing plate.

  30 April 2024 20:00 - Irons are used to straighten clothes before wearing them. This electronic device consists of a temperature controller, a soleplate and a power cable. After plugging it into electric power, the iron plate will feel hot.

You can adjust the hot temperature on the iron according to your needs. However, usually if the temperature is too hot, it causes the fabric to become sticky and burn when hit by the ironing plate. As a result, the iron becomes crusty and black.

So, to remove these sticky stains, a number of people deliberately rub the iron plate with toothpaste. After rubbing for a while, the sticky stain will peel off by itself. As a result, the iron can be used as usual.

But if you don't want your stock of toothpaste to be wasted, you can copy the method shown by Instagram user @lestianiyrini. In his video upload, this netizen replaced toothpaste with two kitchen ingredients.

Curious about how?

An effective trick to remove sticky stains on the iron using 2 kitchen ingredients.

"Brushing with toothpaste? It's best not to, bro," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @lestianiyrini on Tuesday (30/4).

As a solution, he replaced toothpaste with two kitchen ingredients, namely banana leaves and bay leaves. Prepare around 1-2 banana leaves and 4-6 bay leaves. Then put the banana leaf on the surface of the ironing table. While still on, rub the iron disc over the entire surface of the banana leaf.

sticky iron banana leaves bay leaves  2024

photo: Instagram/@lestianiyrini

Do this process until the sticky stains on the iron are reduced. Don't forget to turn the banana leaves back and forth so they don't burn, okay? After wiping it several times, you can see that the banana leaves are starting to wrinkle and turn brown.

sticky iron banana leaves bay leaves  2024

photo: Instagram/@lestianiyrini

If that's the case, replace the banana leaves with 4 bay leaves. The method is the same, rub the iron disc onto the surface of the bay leaf.

"Thank God the results are clean," said the video owner.

sticky iron banana leaves bay leaves  2024

photo: Instagram/@lestianiyrini

Because it has been rubbed with banana leaves and bay leaves, the iron plate is free from sticky stains.

"Yeah, it's not sticky anymore," he said.

sticky iron banana leaves bay leaves  2024

photo: Instagram/@lestianiyrini

This video immediately caught the attention of netizens. Some netizens even left various responses in the comments column.

"Use salt and newspaper. It's complicated to use banana leaves," wrote the Instagram account @eny.laili.

"I sometimes rub it on the ceramic floor. You can also rub it on banana leaves ," said the Instagram account @rumahastri87.

"I put the iron on, then I wiped it, that way it was clean, but the iron was still cold," explained the Instagram account @ulf.mariaa.

Causes of iron sticking when used.

An iron that sticks when used can be caused by several factors. Here are some common causes.

1. Dirt on the iron surface.

Remaining detergent, dirt from previously ironed clothes, or other residue can stick to the surface of the iron and cause it to become sticky when used.

2. Temperature setting that is too low.

Setting the iron temperature too low can cause condensation on the surface of the iron during use, which can then make the iron sticky.

3. Oil or chemicals on clothes.

If there is oil or chemicals on the clothes you are ironing, it can transfer to the surface of the iron and cause it to become sticky.

4. Using too much amylase.

Amylase is a substance that is often used to provide neater results on irons. However, using too much amylase can cause the surface of the iron to become sticky.

5. Using water that is too hard.

Water that contains a lot of hard minerals, such as chalk, can leave residue on the surface of the iron and cause it to become sticky.

By keeping the iron clean and using the right settings, you can prevent the iron from becoming sticky when used and get better results when ironing clothes.
