foto: TikTok/@chonk_green_story - Ice cubes are small blocks of water that are frozen to be used to cool drinks or keep food cold. The process of making ice cubes involves placing water in a container and then freezing it until it becomes solid. Usually, ice cubes are often used in various daily activities, one of which is to cool drinks.
But you know what? The quality of the water used to make these ice cubes can affect the taste, you know. Sometimes ice cubes made from raw water tend to be less tasty, so the taste can affect the drink or food cooled with the ice cubes.
Apart from its unpleasant taste, ice cubes made from raw water also have health impacts, you know. Reported by, a study published in the British Medical Journal found that ice cubes made from raw water tend to be contaminated with pathogens that cause bacteria. More precisely, Escherichia coli bacteria can increase the risk of high blood pressure, kidney problems and heart disease.
So, to avoid this problem, you can take preventive steps by distinguishing between ice cubes made from raw water and boiled water. Basically, a number of people will differentiate through shape. For example, round or crystal-shaped ice cubes mean they are made from boiled water.
However, the shape of the ice cubes does not always indicate its quality. There are other indicators that are more effective in distinguishing ice cubes from raw or boiled water. Well, a short video shared by TikTok user @chonk_green_story explains more about this indicator.
How to distinguish raw and cooked ice cubes from color.
Reported by BrilioFood on Tuesday (30/4), the indicator shown in the video is the color of the ice cubes. Well, ice cubes made from boiled water usually have a clear color or appearance. This is different from ice cubes made from raw water which tend to be cloudy or milky white and have bubbles in them.
photo: TikTok/@chonk_green_story
Furthermore, clear ice cubes are usually made from boiled water that has been boiled first. Well, the gas contained in boiled water will evaporate during the boiling process. Apart from that, dirt or bacteria in the water will also die, making it more sterile. Therefore, the resulting ice cubes tend to be clear when frozen because there is no gas or impurities in them.
photo: TikTok/@chonk_green_story
This has been proven directly by YouTube netizen Saepudin | Perception. Through one of the uploaded videos, the netizen showed two types of melted ice cubes. Well, ice cubes made from boiled water will become clear again when melted. Meanwhile, ice cubes from raw water tend to become cloudy again when melted.
photo: YouTube Saepudin | Perception
Ice cubes made from raw water are more cloudy because there are still lots of gases and impurities trapped in them. Well, consuming ice cubes like this too often can cause health problems. Starting from flu, dizziness, to fever.
How to differentiate between raw and cooked ice cubes based on texture.Apart from the color or appearance, these ice cubes can be distinguished by their texture. Ice cubes made from boiled water tend to have a smooth surface and are difficult to crush. This is different from ice cubes made from raw water, which are rougher and easily crushed.
This post about the trick for distinguishing ice cubes has been viewed almost 10 million times on TikTok. It's not surprising that many netizens are interested and provide responses directly in the comments column. Not a few other TikTok users admitted that they had just found out about this information.
"They said that the longer the ice formation process takes, the clearer the ice will be," said TikTok @rezzz.28.
"When I was in college, I made ice cubes using raw water, it tasted like rubber bands," said TikTok @uchok402.
"Oh, I thought it was the cloudy one that was dead," said TikTok @azqiaku.
"ICE PANTES AK CLEAR MOUTH COLOR," said TikTok @kari_hayam.
"Thank you bro, I'm aware," said TikTok
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Tips for making ice cubes so that the results are clear.
Making clear ice cubes requires some special tips to achieve the desired results. Here are some tips for making clear ice cubes:
1. Use water that has been boiled and cooled.
Water that has been brought to a boil and then cooled will help remove any air trapped in it, producing clearer ice cubes.
2. Use mineral water or filtered water.
Using water that is clean and free of minerals will help reduce the possibility of bubbles or sediment forming which can make the ice cubes cloudy.
3. Use a clean ice cube container.
Make sure the container used to make ice cubes is clean of dirt or other residue that could contaminate the ice cubes.
4. Fill the ice cube container halfway or less.
Filling the ice cube tray halfway or less will help reduce the possibility of air bubbles forming in the ice cubes.
5. Use warm or room temperature water.
Using warm or room temperature water will help reduce the possibility of air bubbles forming in the ice cubes.
6. Do not interrupt the freezing process.
Avoid moving or disturbing the ice cube container during the freezing process so that the results remain clear.
7. Use high quality water.
Use high quality water to make ice cubes so that the results are clearer.
8. Use ice cubes quickly.
Use ice cubes quickly after making them so that the results remain clear.
9. If possible, use an ice cube machine.
An ice cube making machine can produce clearer ice cubes than making it manually.