
A noodle martabak creation that is enough to look at without needing to be tried.

  16 September 2024 18:00 -

Who can resist the deliciousness of martabak? This street food can always satisfy the taste buds of its connoisseurs. Consisting of two main variants, namely sweet martabak and egg martabak, this food captivates the hearts of many people with its unique combination of flavors and its distinctive soft texture.

Among the many flavors, martabak mi is one of them. As the name suggests, this martabak is made with a mixture of eggs and noodles. For creative flavors, some also add meat or even vegetables when making martabak mi.

Judging from the filling, this noodle martabak certainly falls into the category of savory martabak. But who would have thought, there are people who actually have a different understanding of this snack. He is Adrian Pangestu, a man who shared his anti-mainstream experience when ordering noodle martabak. Who would have thought, the appearance of the ordered noodle martabak was actually beyond expectations.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @adrianphangphang on Monday (16/9), the netizen ordered a chocolate-flavored sweet martabak, which was then mixed with instant noodles. Not without reason, this started when he was about to eat the "real" noodle martabak. Adrian admitted that the noodle martabak that is widely sold does not match its name, because it is only made with two ingredients.

"Why do people out there sell noodle martabak, just noodles and eggs. That's just noodles and omelettes, no way. That's why I tried to make real noodle martabak," said Adrian on his Instagram account @adrianphangphang.

netizen moment ordering noodle martabak  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@adrianphangphang

Well, before going to the martabak seller, he had prepared instant fried noodles that he made himself at home. The noodles were then packed in thinwall and given to the martabak seller. Adrian then asked the seller to sprinkle his noodles as a topping for the chocolate martabak that had been ordered.

netizen moment ordering noodle martabak  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@adrianphangphang

The ordered noodle martabak was then taken home and eaten immediately. Adrian admitted that he was quite surprised by the taste. How could it not be, the sweet taste of chocolate combined with the savory saltiness of the instant noodles inside broke into one in the mouth. Not to mention the soft texture of the martabak had to mix with the chewy noodles.

"After making it and eating it, now I realize why no one sells this," Instagram @adrianphangphang further said.

netizen moment ordering noodle martabak  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@adrianphangphang

In addition to being surprised by its "disharmonious" taste, Adrian also admitted that this martabak quickly makes the stomach full. No wonder because martabak and noodles contain carbohydrates and are high in sugar, of course making the stomach feel full after consuming it. Adrian himself admitted that he was only able to eat four pieces of noodle martabak.

netizen moment ordering noodle martabak  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@adrianphangphang

Her action in ordering this noodle martabak immediately made people shake their heads. Instantly, this content garnered a lot of netizens' attention. Since it was uploaded on September 10, more than 118 thousand netizens have watched it. Many of them gave funny responses in the comments column.

"Honestly, I'm not interested either, bro," said Instagram @abcdefghijklmnokidpqrstuvwxyz.

"What sect is this," replied Instagram @are.ndra.

"Short, concise, 'trying is prohibited'," said Instagram @wurifbrynt.

"The noodles should be mixed with the dough, bro," commented the Instagram account @_eddykurniawan.

"It's better to use egg martabak," wrote the Instagram account @dixxiee101.
