foto: TikTok/@dhayumhi

The method is really mind blowing~

  12 Agustus 2024 09:00 - Various electronic devices that continue to develop make daily activities easier. For example, when you want to boil water. In addition to using a stove, boiling water can now be done with an electric pot and kettle. With the hot temperature that comes from electricity, water can boil perfectly like when boiled in a pot and stove.

The existence of these electronic devices really makes life easier. But what if you don't have proper electronic devices that suit your needs? Like when you want to boil water, but there is no pot and electric kettle, and there is not even a stove that can be used.

This was once experienced by a boarding school student named Dhayu. Through her upload on the TikTok account @dhayumhi, this woman once shared her experience when she wanted to boil water. Instead of using a pan or stove, this boarding school student used simple tools.

"The experience at the cottage was very useful, in the past, if you were hungry at night and wanted water, it would have been like this," said Dhayu.

As reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @dhayumhi on Sunday (11/8), the boarding school child actually used an iron to boil water. Yup! The heater designed to straighten clothes was actually used to boil water. Dhayu himself admitted that he wanted to use the heat from the iron to make the water hotter.

how to brew water in cottage style  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@dhayumhi

To be more precise, Dhayu turned on the iron first. After the iron was hot, he turned the device upside down. Then Dhayu took a plastic glass of water and placed it on the iron plate of the iron in an upside down position.

Well, the hot temperature of the iron will make the water in the glass hot. While waiting, this woman eats some biscuits. The water in the plastic glass will start to heat up if small waves appear.

how to brew water in cottage style  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@dhayumhi

When that happened, Dhayu immediately took the bottled water slowly. Then he opened the top plastic using a needle. Carefully, this boarding school child poured hot water into a glass. Then quietly put tea and sugar into it to brew.

how to brew water in cottage style  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@dhayumhi

This method of brewing water with an iron immediately left netizens speechless. Among the more than 14 million viewers, there were a number of other TikTok users who gave direct responses in the comments column. Among them, there were those who admitted to being surprised by the plastic cup packaging that did not melt when exposed to heat.

"Why doesn't the packaging melt when ironed?" asked TikTok account @icamanisdancantik.

"There is a physical explanation, but the point is that the heat from the iron will be allocated to the water, so the plastic melting process will slow down, cmiiw," explained TikTok @vanee.

how to brew water in the cottage style  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@dhayumhi

On the other hand, there are also netizens who salute and are amazed by the creative ideas of the boarding school children. There are even those who share experiences about life hacks that were done while at the Islamic boarding school.

"There's no need to doubt the survival spirit of students. They can always adapt wherever they are," said TikTok @ahmadnassier.

"My friend once straightened her curly hair with an iron," said TikTok @zahramilla448.

"The real female student, for male students, if you want to make warm water, use 2 spoons that have been cut and connected to a cable + plug head," said TikTok @aicrexy.
