
Plastic can absorb odors more quickly than other materials such as glass or stainless steel.

  8 Agustus 2024 05:01 - The condition of food containers that leave an unpleasant odor is often a disturbing problem. The lingering aroma can reduce appetite and cause discomfort. This often happens with plastic food containers. The reason is, plastic can absorb odors more quickly than other materials such as glass or stainless steel.

The smell left in the container can come from various food ingredients such as garlic, fish or curry, which have a strong aroma and are difficult to remove. Another factor that causes unpleasant odors in food containers is the way the containers are stored and clean. Containers that are not cleaned properly or stored tightly closed without ventilation can exacerbate odor problems.

To get rid of this stubborn smell, a number of people usually wash the food container with quite a lot of soap. Even though the smell is gone, the remaining soap aroma can stick to the surface of the container, making it less comfortable to use. Instead, some people often sprinkle coffee grounds into this food container.

Apart from coffee grounds, there are other kitchen ingredients that are no less effective for eliminating stubborn odors in food containers. An Instagram user @oyku_pu3 once used this ingredient to remove stubborn food odors in food containers. As reported by BrilioFood on Wednesday (7/8), the kitchen ingredient used is baking soda.

tricks to get rid of stubborn food smells in containers  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@oyku_pu3

First, wash the food container clean. You can use soap and dishwashing sponge as usual. After that, throw away any remaining food that is still attached.

tricks to get rid of stubborn food smells in containers  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@oyku_pu3

If so, sprinkle baking soda all over the food container that still smells. Add a little dish soap and hot water until the inside of the food container is completely submerged. After that, cover the container and let it sit for 15 minutes.

tricks to get rid of stubborn food smells in containers  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@oyku_pu3

Next, dump the water in the container and rub it briefly using a sponge. Finally, rinse using running water until it is completely clean. So, that way the food container will be more fragrant and free of the smell of food or soap.

tricks to get rid of stubborn food smells in containers  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@oyku_pu3

Basically, baking soda has the ability to remove stubborn odors in food containers because of several ingredients in it. First, baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate is a compound that is alkaline. Many unpleasant odors come from acidic compounds. When baking soda reacts with these acidic compounds, it neutralizes the pH which helps reduce or eliminate the odor.

In addition, baking soda has adsorptive properties, which means it can absorb odor molecules from the air or the surface of a container. These molecules are trapped in the crystal structure of baking soda, so they can no longer be smelled. This process makes baking soda very effective in removing odors that are difficult to remove with regular washing.
