foto: Instagram/@safaralles

In just one rub, the water scale on the kettle will disappear immediately.

  9 Agustus 2024 09:00

Stainless steel teapots are often used to boil water. Not without reason, this type of teapot has the ability to retain heat well and is rust-resistant. The strong and sturdy material also makes this teapot not easily dented or damaged, even though it is often used every day. In addition, stainless steel is also easy to clean and does not react with food ingredients, thus maintaining the taste and quality of the water to remain pure.

However, as it is used, stainless steel teapots often get dirty or even crusty. Usually stubborn crust that is difficult to remove because the teapot is often filled with water continuously. This water crust can appear due to the mineral content in the water that settles after the water evaporates. Although it does not affect the function of the teapot, this crust can make the appearance of the teapot look dull and less attractive.

To overcome this, some people usually use special soap to remove water scale. In addition, there are also those who scrub the kettle vigorously using a brush. This is considered to be able to make the water scale fade and disappear.

But instead of the hassle of brushing, you can use other more practical ingredients and tricks. An Instagram user @safaralles once revealed the trick through one of the videos uploaded. In his upload, he admitted to only using one simple ingredient to remove water scale in the kettle.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @safaralles on Friday (9/8), the simple ingredient in question is baby oil. Well, this oil can help make the kettle shiny again like new. However, it should be noted that the use of this baby oil must be correct so that the results are optimal.

