
This type of soap is used to wash various dirty kitchen utensils.

  8 Agustus 2024 11:00 - Dish washing soap has become one of the kitchen necessities that must always be available. Not without reason, this type of soap is used to wash various dirty kitchen utensils. Apart from that, dish soap is also often used to clean oily kitchen surfaces.

The high demand for dishwashing soap means that this item often runs out quickly. In fact, buying dishwashing soap repeatedly causes the household budget to swell. So, using dish soap wisely can help reduce household expenses without sacrificing the cleanliness and hygiene of kitchen equipment.

If you find that the dishwashing soap in your kitchen is starting to run out, there is a trick you can do. An Instagram user @romilaila55 once shared a simple trick to increase the amount of dishwashing soap that is running low. Instead of adding water straight away, he poured in one kitchen ingredient to increase the quality and quantity of the dishwashing soap.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @romilaila55 on Wednesday (7/8), the kitchen ingredient in question is salt. Yup, he uses salt to increase dish soap. That way, the soap can be used again and again.

Tricks to increase the amount of dishwashing soap you almost use up 1 kitchen ingredient  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@romilaila55

Just put 2 tablespoons of salt in a container containing almost no dishwashing soap. After that, pour water until the bottle or soap container is full. If so, shake gently until all the ingredients are mixed evenly.

Tricks to increase the amount of dishwashing soap you almost use up 1 kitchen ingredient  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@romilaila55

This dishwashing soap that has been mixed with water and salt can be used straight away. In the video, Instagram user @romilaila55 shows the results of the soap that has been reproduced. When poured into a sponge container and squeezed, the soap still produces a lot of foam even though water has been added beforehand. This indicates that the soap is still working optimally to remove stubborn stains on cooking utensils.

Tricks to increase the amount of dishwashing soap you almost use up 1 kitchen ingredient  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@romilaila55

Basically, salt can increase dishwashing soap without reducing its quality because of the several ingredients it contains. When salt (sodium chloride) is added to liquid dish soap, it increases the viscosity of the soap. This process occurs because salt helps regulate the ion balance in the soap solution, which causes the surfactant molecules (active cleaning agents) in the soap to become more evenly dispersed and stable in the solution. This way, the soap becomes thicker and looks more voluminous without reducing its effectiveness.

Salt also does not interfere with the cleaning properties of soap. The surfactants in soap work by lowering the surface tension of water, which allows the soap to more effectively lift and remove dirt and grease from kitchen utensils. The addition of salt does not change the chemical structure of this surfactant, so its cleaning ability is maintained. Therefore, soap that has added salt is still able to clean dishes and kitchen utensils well.
