
The method is the same as boiling other food ingredients in general.

  15 Juli 2024 23:59 - Cassava leaves or sweet potato leaves are known as plants that are often consumed as a vegetable menu. Cassava leaves are usually prepared by boiling them first. Then the cassava leaves will be consumed directly as fresh vegetables or processed into new delicious menus.

Boiling cassava leaves is the initial stage of processing this vegetable. The method is the same as boiling other food ingredients in general. However, there is one problem that many people often experience when boiling cassava leaves, namely the texture is hard and the color of the leaves often turns black.

To prevent boiled cassava leaves from remaining hard or even turning black, you need certain tricks. Some people usually add baking soda to the water boiled with cassava leaves. Apart from softening cassava leaves, baking soda is also believed to prevent changes in the color of these vegetables.

However, you need to know that baking soda also has other effects, you know. One of them can change the taste. If the amount of baking soda used is not right, the taste of cassava leaves can become bitter and not pleasant to consume.

So, to be safer, you can copy the tutorial shared by Instagram user @fahrunnizarf when boiling cassava leaves. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on two kitchen ingredients to boil cassava so that the results were soft and the color remained green. Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @fahrunnizarf on Monday (15/7), the kitchen ingredients in question are cooking oil and salt.

how to boil cassava so it is green and soft  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@fahrunnizarf

To do this, simply prepare water in a pan and boil it until it boils. Then add the cassava leaves that have been picked from the stem and wash until clean. Make sure the water is really boiling when you add the cassava leaves so that the color doesn't turn black.

how to boil cassava so it is green and soft  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@fahrunnizarf

Next, press the cassava leaves until they are completely submerged. Only then add a little cooking oil and salt. Stir again until these two ingredients are mixed evenly.

So, if so, boil the cassava leaves until cooked. You can boil it for approximately 15 minutes to get a soft texture of cassava leaves. Basically, salt can help soften the fibers of cassava leaves when boiled, so the texture becomes softer.

how to boil cassava so it is green and soft  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@fahrunnizarf

On the other hand, cooking oil can help maintain the green color of cassava leaves so that they remain fresh and bright after boiling. How it works, cooking oil forms a thin layer on the surface of the leaves which protects the chlorophyll (the substance that causes the leaves to turn green) from damage during the boiling process.

how to boil cassava so it is green and soft  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@fahrunnizarf

So, cassava leaves that are already soft can be immediately removed and drained. Because the texture is soft, cassava leaves can be consumed directly as fresh vegetables. However, you can process it again with curry spices that kick on your tongue.

Since it was uploaded on July 4, this video about how to boil cassava leaves has been watched more than 1,400 times on Instagram. Not a few netizens then responded directly in the comments column.

"To make a really delicious salad, the sauce is drizzled with lime," explained Instagram @umifaiq_aghna.

"It's delicious, just add fried tofu and tempeh with shrimp paste," said Instagram @za_nadhiya1306.

"The lazy team will definitely choose to just dip in chili sauce, even though it's delicious with sugar, but it's an effort, if it doesn't work, it's really bitter," wrote the Instagram account @amie_lov.
