
If you store them incorrectly, tomatoes will quickly wilt and shrivel. In fact, it will be wasted later.

  1 Juli 2024 10:00 - Tomatoes are a type of fruit and vegetable that are identically used as a mixture of various culinary preparations. Most often tomatoes are cooked with soup, tongseng , soto, chili sauce, and many others. This small fruit can provide a fresh and sour sensation in cooking.

Apart from having an attractive color, tomatoes are also rich in nutrients. Reporting from, tomatoes are the main source of the antioxidant lycopene, which is associated with many health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer. For this reason, it is not surprising that most people always have quite a lot of tomatoes in the refrigerator.

But unfortunately storing fresh tomatoes in the wrong way can speed up spoilage. Tomatoes lose their water content, making them wilt and their skin shrinks. If this is the case, quite a few people usually choose to buy new tomatoes. As a result, when you initially wanted to save on expenses, they actually increased.

Easy way to make tomatoes last longer.

An Instagram account @salsabilacahyaaa shares tricks for storing tomatoes so they don't rot easily and last up to 2 months, saving you money. Moreover, you only need to prepare 1 simple tool in the form of masking tape.

tricks for storing tomatoes  2024

photo: Instagram/@salsabilacahyaaa

First, prepare a simple tool in the form of tape. Then take a tomato that doesn't have a stem and cover the top or base with tape.

It is known that the stalk on tomatoes functions as an obstacle to the entry of bacteria into the fruit. So, if the tomato no longer has a stem, then covering the base of the tomato with tape is believed to prevent the entry of bacteria. Tomatoes will not ripen quickly and will not rot easily.

tricks for storing tomatoes  2024

photo: Instagram/@salsabilacahyaaa

Next, prepare a clean container and line it with tissue. After that, store the tomatoes in a container. Close tightly and store in the refrigerator.

tricks for storing tomatoes  2024

photo: Instagram/@salsabilacahyaaa

"This way tomatoes can last 1-2 months," said the owner of the video, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @salsabilacahyaaa, Saturday (29/6).

This video upload by @salsabilacahyaaa immediately got the attention of netizens. The video has been viewed more than 800 times. Apparently quite a few other netizens have just learned about the tricks for storing tomatoes so they don't rot easily and last for months.

"You just found out about this great benefit," wrote the account @_wahyutewe_

"Wow, I just found out, thanks for the tips," commented the account @momalin7

"Thank you for the tips, ma'am, they are very useful," concluded the account @ochynitynew
