
Gemblong, round in shape and coated with caramel sugar.

  1 Juli 2024 02:00 - Gemblong, round in shape and coated in caramel sugar. It tastes a combination of savory on the inside and sweet on the outside. This simple market snack is made from sticky rice flour and grated young coconut.

But not only white sticky rice flour, gemblong can also be made from black sticky rice flour. The way to make black sticky rice gemblong is quite simple , because you just fry it. The following is the recipe for black sticky rice gemblong, reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @ummumar_kitchen.

legit snacks  2024

photo: Instagram/@ummumar_kitchen

- 200 gr black sticky rice flour
- 100 gr grated young coconut
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 150 ml coconut milk
- The oil for frying

Lining material:
- 100 gr granulated sugar
- 50 ml of water

How to make:
1. Mix black sticky rice flour, grated coconut and salt. Stir well. Pour in the coconut milk little by little, stirring until smooth.
2. Round shape, flatten it.
3. Fry in heated oil over medium heat until cooked. Cool.
4. Coating, heat granulated sugar and water while stirring until foamy and thick.
5. Insert gemblong. Stir until coated. Turn off the heat. Stir until coated in sugar and dry.
