
To be creative with your toppings, you can make your own pancong cake at home.

  11 Juni 2024 06:00 - Pancong cake or what is usually called bandros cake comes from the city of Bandung. Because it tastes sweet and has a soft texture, this snack is liked by many people.

So you can be creative with your toppings, you can make your own pancong cake at home. The filling can also be adjusted to suit taste. Come on, try the recipe , reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @isty_saricakes.

single pancong cake recipe  2024

photo: Instagram/@isty_saricakes

- 250 gr rice flour
- 250 gr coconut, peeled, grated
- 1 tsp fine salt
- 650 ml coconut milk
- Cooking oil to grease the mold

How to make:
1. Mix rice flour, grated coconut and salt together.
2. Pour in the coconut milk little by little while stirring until smooth.
3. Heat the mold over medium heat, brush with a thin layer of oil.
4. Pour the mixture until it's full, cover, and let it cook
5. Remove while hot, sprinkle with granulated sugar if you like.
