
The purple color is beautiful~

  11 Juni 2024 04:01 - Putu ayu is a traditional wet cake which is usually molded in the shape of a flower. Apart from that, there are also those who make it using bamboo molds with an elongated shape.

Putu ayu can also be made from purple sweet potatoes. The texture remains soft when eaten . Don't forget to add grated coconut when serving it to make it even tastier. Come on, try the recipe, reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @aniktriwina.

how to make purple sweet potato putu cake  2024

photo: Instagram/@aniktriwina

- 2 eggs
- 140 gr granulated sugar
- 1 tsp SP
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 100 gr purple sweet potato, steamed and mashed
- 150 ml medium coconut milk
- 1 drop purple dye
- 150 gr medium protein flour
- 1/2 tsp baking powder

Supplementary material:
- 1/2 grated coconut, mix with salt and steam briefly

How to make:
1. Prepare the putu ayu mold. Brush with oil and put about 1 tbsp of grated coconut. Then press, set aside.
2. Heat a steamer over medium heat, cover with a clean cloth.
3. Mix together 1 smooth purple sweet potato, coconut milk and purple coloring, mix well until smooth, set aside.
4. Mix and sift the flour with baking powder. Set aside.
5. Mixer eggs and salt until foamy. Add SP and granulated sugar, continue mixing until fluffy, white and smooth.
6. Turn off the mixer. Add the purple sweet potato mixture and wheat flour mixture alternately and gradually, while stirring with a spatula.
7. The dough looks soft and firm.
8. Pour into the mold until it is full.
9. Steam for 10-15 minutes.
10. Remove and cool.
