Don't let the bottom of the pan become full of scratches because of the wire sponge.

  10 Juni 2024 23:00 - Many people use pans to cook various types of dishes. Because the shape of the pan is concave, food ingredients do not spill when cooked.

But because it is used frequently, the pan gets dirty quickly . Moreover, the bottom or buttocks are always exposed to the stove fire continuously. If you leave it like that, the burnt stains on the bottom of the pan will crust over and be difficult to remove.

Knowing this, a number of people deliberately scrub the bottom of the pan using a wire sponge . Even though it is as clean as possible, the bottom of the pan can actually be full of scratches due to contact with the wire sponge.

As a solution, you can imitate how to clean burnt crust on the bottom of a pan shown by YouTube user Jojo Chanel. In his video upload, this netizen only relies on one kitchen spice.

Curious about how?

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Jojo channel on Monday (10/6), one kitchen spice used is salt. To get maximum cleanliness, he also added rubbing ash and detergent as a cleaning mixture.

"Mix all the ingredients and just about 2 tablespoons of salt, stir again," he explained.

remove limescale from the bottom of the pan using ash  2024

photo: YouTube/Jojo channel

On the other hand, put the pan upside down. That way, the bottom of the pan will be on top. The goal is that the cleaning solution can be easily applied to the bottom of the pan.

remove limescale from the bottom of the pan using ash  2024

photo: YouTube/Jojo channel

After that, pour enough water into the cleaning solution. Then rub the entire surface of the bottom of the pan using the cleaning solution that has been made.

"When it's evenly distributed, let the pan sit for 5-10 minutes," said the video owner.

remove limescale from the bottom of the pan using ash  2024

photo: YouTube/Jojo channel

Immediately rub the bottom surface of the pan using a sponge. Without needing to use extra effort, all the burnt crust immediately peels off completely.

Do the same process until all parts of the pan are rubbed evenly. Finally, rinse the pan with running water.

remove limescale from the bottom of the pan using ash  2024

photo: YouTube/Jojo channel

As a result, the pan looks shiny like new again.
