foto: TikTok/@sepertiteman; TikTok/@marianesia4

It should be noted, you should still not eat instant noodles too often.

  3 Agustus 2024 16:30 - Instant noodles are often considered not to be eaten with rice because both have a high carbohydrate content. Combining the two in one dish is known to result in a very high carbohydrate intake, which is not ideal for a healthy, balanced diet.

Apart from that, instant noodles and rice are also said to have different digestion times in the digestive system. Instant noodles tend to be digested more quickly than rice, so combining the two can cause disruption to the digestive system and make you bloated or uncomfortable.

Consuming instant noodles with rice is actually healthier  Various sources

photo: TikTok/@likefriends

That's why many people choose to avoid rice and only consume instant noodles whole. However, recently there has been news that instant noodles eaten with rice are actually healthier, you know. This news was shared by X account user @hafizha_anisa. Hafizha is known as a nutritionist who actively shares health information on his social media.

This explanation about instant noodles being healthier if eaten with rice is supported by one of the research results in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology at ScienceDirect, entitled Formation of adducts during digestion triggered dietary protein for alleviating cytotoxicity of 2-tert-butyl-1,4- benzoquinone.

Consuming instant noodles with rice is actually healthier  Various sources

photo: TikTok/@marianesia4

In this article, there is an explanation of how to reduce the bad effects of instant noodle preservatives on the body, one of which is by consuming them with rice. It was explained that rice will help dissolve the remaining preservatives from instant noodles, namely 2-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone (TBBQ), when the two dishes are digested in the digestive tract .

"So instant noodles + rice can be said to be healthier than just eating instant noodles, wow," wrote the owner of the X account @hafizha_anisa, quoted by BrilioFood on Saturday (3/8).

Consuming instant noodles with rice is actually healthier  Various sources

photo: X/@hafizha_anisa

But Hafizha reiterated that even though instant noodles are safe to eat with rice, this dish should not be eaten often. Besides that, it would be even healthier if instant noodles were combined with side dishes of protein, vegetables or other ingredients that are lower in sodium.

"How do you make instant noodles healthier and more nutritious?
1. Add protein side dishes (meat, chicken, eggs, etc.) instead of rice because rice protein is relatively low.
2. Add vegetables (mustard greens, bok choy, enoki, etc.)
3. Choose a variant that is lower in sodium," he explained.

Consuming instant noodles with rice is actually healthier  Various sources

photo: TikTok/@ibayxz

Yup, that's the explanation of why instant noodles are actually healthier when combined with rice. Taking a peek at X @hafizha_anisa's upload, quite a few netizens asked or gave various responses about eating instant noodles with rice.

"The frequency is often and what is the reasonable limit for consumption, how many times a month or a week or other units of time?" asked the owner of the account better."

"This means it's healthier because it uses rice and there's protein in it," said 19 g protein. Normal for 1 adult size, but the fiber is still low so adding tomatoes/lettuce like in the wrap (serving suggestion) is the best."

"Indomie + rice + bala drink sweet iced tea, after that you lie down," said
