Usually a number of people will process bananas into snacks.

  3 Agustus 2024 10:30 - Bananas, with their sweet taste and soft texture, have become one of the popular fruits. Bananas are known not only for their delicious taste, but they are also high in nutrients. This fruit contains many vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin B6, as well as important minerals such as potassium. A number of these nutrients are very good for maintaining heart health and muscle function.

Usually a number of people will process bananas into snacks, to be consumed directly. However, there are also those who process it into various kinds of menus, such as desserts or drinks. Indeed, the soft texture makes bananas easy to mix with other ingredients.

The many benefits of bananas make this yellow fruit often stored as food stock. Unfortunately, storing bananas is often a challenge for some people. Not without reason, bananas are a fruit that emits quite a lot of ethylene gas. This gas makes the fruit ripen faster.

If you buy ripe bananas, they will usually start to rot within a day. So that bananas are ripe but don't rot quickly, many people then put them in the refrigerator. However, storing bananas in the refrigerator is not a solution, because ethylene gas will still escape and actually make them ripen or even rot.

Instead, you can apply the trick for storing ripe bananas shared by Instagram user @wildan_ggcs. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he had a simpler and more effective trick to extend the storage time of bananas even when they were ripe. This banana can even last without a refrigerator even if it is stored for days.

After investigating, there is one tool used to apply this trick. Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @wildan_ggcs on Friday (2/8), the tool in question is tissue. Yup, this tissue will be used to wipe bananas and cover the source of ethylene gas.

how to store ripe bananas so they don't rot quickly  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@wildan_ggcs

To be clear, first prepare the ripe bananas. In the video, Instagram user @wildan_ggcs saves bananas that are still attached to the bunch or stem. He then rinsed it under running water to remove any dirt that was still attached.

how to store ripe bananas so they don't rot quickly  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@wildan_ggcs

After washing it clean, dry the banana. You can wipe it with a tissue or dry cloth so that the water is completely gone. Make sure there is no water that is stagnant or still stuck to the surface of the banana because this could potentially cause the fruit to rot more quickly.

how to store ripe bananas so they don't rot quickly  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@wildan_ggcs

When it is dry, immediately wrap the bunch or stem end in banana leaves. Well, the tip of the stem is the source of ethylene gas. When the stem is left open, the banana will be continuously exposed to ethylene gas, so it rots quickly. Therefore, you have to close it.

In the video, Instagram user @wildan_ggcs wraps ethylene gas using several sheets of tissue. Make sure the end of the stem is tightly closed, okay? Only then attach it using rubber or white duct tape. After that, store this banana at room temperature.
