YouTube/yu sitie chanel - Tomatoes can be the main ingredient in soups, stir-fries, and sauces . Their natural sour and sweet flavors can provide a rich flavor dimension to dishes. However, for some dishes such as tomato sauce or thick soup, tomato skin often becomes a barrier. Its hard texture and difficulty in dissolving when pureed can reduce the softness of the final dish.
Peeling tomatoes before use is a solution that is often done by many people. This process is a bit time consuming, but the results are worth it. The skin that has been removed makes the tomatoes easier to process and produces a smooth sauce texture without coarse fragments. This is very important to ensure the taste and appearance of the dish are maximized.
There are several ways to peel tomatoes, one of which is the blanching technique. By boiling the tomatoes briefly and then soaking them in cold water, the skin will be easily removed without damaging the flesh of the fruit. But besides boiling first, tomato skin can also be peeled with a more practical trick like that done by YouTube user yu sitie chanel.
photo: YouTube/yu sitie chanel
Through one of the videos uploaded, he admitted that he could peel tomatoes easily without boiling them first. Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube yu sitie chanel on Sunday (5/1), the first thing to do is wash the tomatoes. After that, scrape the surface of the tomato skin with a knife or the tip of a spoon. This aims to make the surface of the skin easier to peel later.
photo: YouTube/yu sitie chanel
Next, make a small incision on the surface of the tomato skin. Then peel the tomato skin as usual with a knife. Well, this peeling process will be easier because there is a gap on the surface of the tomato skin due to being scraped earlier. Therefore, you can peel it without worrying about any flesh being wasted.
photo: YouTube/yu sitie chanel
Well, tomatoes that have been peeled can be processed directly. If you want to make a sauce, you can immediately puree it with a blender. With this technique, the process and cooking time become more practical and fast. You can save cooking time.
In addition to these methods, peeling tomatoes without boiling can be done in several simple ways that are still effective. For example, by using a peeler. Use a peeler with a sharp blade designed for fruits or vegetables with thin skin. Choose tomatoes that are ripe but still somewhat dense so they are easier to peel. Slide the peeler slowly along the surface of the tomato, and the skin will come off without damaging the flesh of the fruit.
Not only that, you can also use the freeze-thaw method. The method is, put the tomatoes in the freezer for a few hours until they are completely frozen. After that, soak them in cold water or leave them at room temperature for a few minutes. When the tomatoes start to thaw, the skin will shrink and can be easily pulled off by hand.