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This condition is caused by a viral infection that spreads through the saliva of flu sufferers.

  20 Juli 2024 16:30

Brilio.net - Flu can attack anyone, especially if their immune system is low. If you have the flu, your daily activities will be disrupted.

Reporting from siloamhospitals.com, flu is usually characterized by coughing, runny nose, blocked nose, fever and headache. This condition is caused by a viral infection that spreads through the saliva of flu sufferers.

When the flu has already attacked your body, make sure you rest your body enough time. Not only that, you also have to ensure the intake you consume so that the healing process is faster.

Apart from that, it turns out there are several types of fruit that should not be consumed when you have the flu. The reason is, the content in these fruits actually risks increasing the amount of snot production. Are you curious about the fruits? The following has been reported by BrilioFood from various sources, nine fruits that should not be consumed when you have the flu.

1. Banana.

9 Fruits that should not be consumed when you have the flu  2024 brilio.net

photo: Pexels.com

Some people believe that bananas contain histamine, which can trigger a mild allergic response in some individuals, potentially increasing mucus production.

If you think bananas make your flu symptoms worse, it may be best to avoid them during your illness. However, if you don't have problems, bananas can actually be a good source of nutrition because they are rich in potassium, vitamin B6 and fiber.

2. Avocado.

9 Fruits that should not be consumed when you have the flu  2024 brilio.net

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When you have a cold, the body's digestive system tends to weaken. This will be worse if you eat avocado. The reason is, the high fat content in avocados takes a long time for the body to process. If you eat avocado when you have a cold, consider consuming it in small amounts or mixing it with other foods that are easier to digest.

3. Orange.

It is common knowledge that oranges have a high acid content. Meanwhile, excess acid can trigger an increase in excess production. Especially if consumed when the body has a cold.

4. Mango.

9 Fruits that should not be consumed when you have the flu  2024 brilio.net

photo: pexels.com

Mango is also a fruit that contains high acid. This is what makes mangoes at risk of increasing the amount of mucus in the throat. If you feel that mango makes your flu symptoms worse, it is better to avoid it until you recover. However, if you feel fine consuming it, mangoes can be a good source of nutrition.

5. Durian.

When you have the flu, your body becomes more sensitive to certain foods. Therefore, it is better for you to eat foods that are easy to digest and rich in nutrients. Unfortunately, durian is a fruit that takes a long time to digest. So, it's better for you to avoid it until the flu subsides.

6. Pineapple.

Reporting from healthline.com, pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain. The function of this enzyme is to break down proteins in the body. When the throat is already sensitive due to a cold, this actually causes additional irritation.

7. Guava.

Some people have a sensitivity to guava. Especially when your body's immune system is down because you have the flu. This can worsen flu symptoms such as a blocked nose and fever.

8. Rambutan.

9 Fruits that should not be consumed when you have the flu  2024 brilio.net

photo: pexels.com

Although not as high as citrus fruit, the acid content in rambutan fruit is relatively high. If you consume it when you have a cold in your throat, there is a risk of causing mild irritation.

9. Watermelon.

9 Fruits that should not be consumed when you have the flu  2024 brilio.net

photo: pexels.com

Watermelon is often served cold. In fact, very cold food can slow down the digestive process, especially if the body has a cold. If you feel that watermelon is not suitable for consumption during a cold, there are many other fruit alternatives that can be consumed to support recovery.
