
Eating watermelon in a more unique way.

  17 Juli 2024 16:00 - Watermelon is generally consumed as a fresh snack that can also quench thirst. Its sweet taste and abundant water content make this fruit often chosen, especially when the weather is hot. Eating a slice of watermelon can make your body fresh again.

Basically, watermelon can be consumed directly after being cut. However, there are also those who choose to put it in the refrigerator first so that the temperature is cooler. This is considered to increase the freshness of the watermelon when consumed.

But what happens if someone consumes watermelon in a more unique way, namely by sprinkling it with salt? Yup, an influencer named Putri Habibie once shared this moment in one of the uploaded videos. Through his personal Instagram account, the grandson of the 3rd President of the Republic of Indonesia, BJ Habibie, showed off his action while eating watermelon with a sprinkling of salt.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @putrihabibie on Tuesday (16/7), Putri uploaded a video with the caption 'Just found out. Thanks for the info, bro'. In the 6 second video, he is seen holding a piece of fresh red watermelon. Then he sprinkled a pinch of salt on the flesh of the watermelon he was about to eat.

Habibie's daughter shows off watermelon sprinkled with salt  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@putrihabibie

Shortly after being sprinkled with salt, the watermelon flesh was immediately eaten with gusto. Instead of feeling strange or salty, Putri actually really enjoyed the watermelon. Putri also admitted that adding salt itself is believed to increase the sweet taste of watermelon.

Habibie's daughter shows off watermelon sprinkled with salt  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@putrihabibie

Even so, many people were amazed by the daughter's actions in the video uploaded on Friday (12/7). Among the more than 15 million viewers, there are quite a few netizens who doubt the change in taste that occurs when watermelon is sprinkled with salt. This was expressed directly through the video's comments column.

"How come sweet watermelon is salty and sweet? Plisslola, my brain is great," wrote the Instagram account @aikochan_93.

"What kind of sect is this," explained Instagram @amir_fatiro767.

"I'm really afraid of being hoaxed," commented the Instagram account @cheliahani.

Habibie's daughter shows off watermelon sprinkled with salt  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@putrihabibie

However, apart from doubting the taste of watermelon, many netizens also admit that they often use this trick when eating watermelon. On the other hand, several Instagram users even provided further explanation about why watermelon tastes sweeter after being salted.

"please! Watermelon with salt is delicious," said Instagram @ylaptri11.

"I always sprinkle a little salt if the watermelon isn't too sweet for me. And it's really delicious hahaha," said Instagram @just1jn0_.

"Actually, according to my lecturer, salt also functions as a flavor enhancer, so the sweet taste of watermelon can be stronger if you add salt. CMIIW," said Instagram @debleau._.

Reporting from southernliving, watermelon basically has three basic tastes, namely sweet, bitter and sour. The bitter taste of this fruit is quite strong, so it can withstand the sweet taste it produces. So, when watermelon is added with salt, the balance of taste will change because the bitter taste is reduced by the salt. As a result, the sweet taste of watermelon becomes more dominant.
