
Natural collagen drinks can be an effective way to keep skin firm and healthy.

  23 Februari 2024 19:10 - Everyone definitely wants skin that is healthy, radiant and youthful. However, the aging that occurs when you enter your 60s is a natural part of the life process that no one can avoid. When entering the aging phase, a number of signs of aging such as sagging skin, fine lines and black spots begin to appear on the surface of the face.

This aging process in the skin causes collagen production in the body to decrease. Decreased collagen in the body can cause the skin to lose moisture and elasticity, and cause various signs of aging such as wrinkles to appear. You don't need to worry about facing this situation. The reason is, there are ways that can increase collagen production in the body again.

One of them is consuming collagen drinks regularly, so that your face looks 10 years younger. As the name suggests, collagen drinks contain collagen hydrolyzate or peptides, which are small proteins and active molecules found in collagen. Apart from that, collagen drinks also contain antioxidants obtained from fruit extracts.

The benefits of all these ingredients make collagen drinks firm, keep skin hydrated, and increase collagen production naturally. Meanwhile, the ingredients in this drink are vitamins C, E, zinc and amino acids. You can get the content of collagen drinks from fruit , you know.

You can use fruits such as pineapples, apples, bananas and strawberries to make collagen drinks, as shown by YouTube user diynaturalrecipes. Through its YouTube channel, this account shares how to make a natural collagen drink which can help tighten the skin. The reason is, these fruits have their own contents and benefits.

Pineapples contain vitamin C which helps protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and increases healthy collagen production. Meanwhile, apples contain antioxidants such as vitamin C, flavonoids and polyphenols which can fight free radicals and stimulate collagen production. The fiber in apples also helps in the body's detoxification process, so it can make the skin healthier.

Additional ingredients, such as bananas, are rich in iron which is important in the collagen formation process. The vitamin C and potassium content in it also contributes to maintaining skin moisture and elasticity. Then, strawberries contain high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants, such as flavonoids and ellagic acid. This content can increase collagen production and help fight damage caused by free radicals.

The benefits of pineapple for reducing signs of aging.

How to make a collagen drink to disguise aging from various sources

photo: YouTube/diynaturalrecipes

Pineapple is a type of fruit that is often consumed directly and used as a mixture in food. Providing freshness when consumed, pineapple is liked by a number of people. Behind its sweet taste, pineapple actually has a number of benefits for skin beauty. This is because pineapple contains strong antioxidants such as vitamin C and bromelain.

The antioxidant content helps fight free radicals which can damage skin cells and cause premature aging. Meanwhile, vitamin C is also known to increase the production of collagen, a protein that keeps skin firm and elastic. Apart from that, the content of bromelain in pineapple also has anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce inflammation, treat redness, swollen skin and irritation of the skin which causes signs of aging.

Pineapple can brighten the skin.

Apart from disguising the signs of aging, pineapple is able to brighten the face. This is because pineapple contains vitamin C which can lighten black spots on the face. The natural cleansing properties in pineapple also help cleanse the skin of dirt and excess oil, thereby preventing clogged pores which can cause skin problems such as acne and blackheads.

Skin that is clean and free of dirt will have a brighter and radiant appearance. So how do you make a collagen drink from the ingredients above? For those of you who want to make it, let's look at the steps below, as reported by on Friday (23/2).


How to make a collagen drink to disguise aging from various sources

photo: YouTube/diynaturalrecipes

- 1/2 pineapple
- 1 banana
- 1 apple
- 5 to 7 strawberries
- 1 glass of boiled water

How to make:

How to make a collagen drink to disguise aging from various sources

photo: YouTube/diynaturalrecipes

1. Clean the pineapple first
2. Cut into several pieces
3. Cut the banana and apple into small pieces
4. Put it in a blender
5. Add water
6. Add strawberries and puree
7. Pour into a glass, and the collagen drink is ready to be consumed
8. Consume this drink every day to get the desired skin beauty.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.