foto: YouTube/glamrstv

Apart from the aging process, bad habits such as smoking can also destroy collagen and accelerate aging.

  12 Februari 2024 10:25 - Wrinkles on the face are natural changes that occur in the skin and are often considered a sign of aging. This aging occurs as a person gets older. In this phase the skin loses its elasticity due to reduced production of collagen and elastin. This causes the skin to become thinner and prone to forming wrinkles.

The aging process can also occur more quickly due to exposure to sunlight. As you know, skin that is exposed to excessive sunlight can damage collagen and elastin in the skin. This is what makes the skin lose elasticity and causes wrinkles to appear.

Another factor that damages collagen is smoking. This bad habit can speed up the skin aging process because of the chemicals contained in it. Not only does it cause wrinkles, smoking can make your skin look dull.

So that the aging process doesn't happen quickly, the first step you need to take is to use sunscreen regularly. Using this skincare product can protect the skin from exposure to UV rays and prevent signs of aging , such as wrinkles. After using sunscreen, don't forget to do regular skin care. You can start by cleansing, hydrating, and applying skincare with antiaging ingredients.

It's not enough to care for your skin from the outside, you can also do natural treatments inside your body. One way is to regularly consume juice made from apples, beetroot and cucumber. Reporting from, Monday (12/2) apples contain antioxidants, such as vitamin C, and flavonoids which help fight free radicals that damage the skin and cause premature aging.

The vitamin C content in apples can stimulate collagen production, so that the skin remains firm and elastic. The fiber in apples helps rid the body of toxins and maintains a healthy digestive system, which also has a positive impact on the skin.

Beetroot contains betacyanin, a natural pigment that has strong antioxidant properties. These antioxidants help protect the skin from free radical damage and keep the skin youthful. Its ability to increase blood flow to the skin, helps nourish and deliver oxygen to skin cells. Therefore, beetroot can keep skin healthy and radiant. The folic acid content in beetroot can help the formation of new skin cells and prevent signs of aging.

Then cucumber can hydrate the skin well. This is due to the water content in cucumbers. These anti-inflammatory properties can reduce inflammation and treat acne and wrinkles. Mixing cucumber in juice can add freshness and make your skin look youthful.

photo: YouTube/glamrstv

Just by using these ingredients, facial skin becomes smooth and free from wrinkles. Are you interested in consuming this juice all the time? So, here is a tutorial that you can follow as summarized by from the YouTube channel glamrstv, Monday (12/2).


photo: YouTube/glamrstv

1. 1 apple
2. 1 beetroot
3. 1 cucumber
4. 1 glass of water.

How to make:

photo: YouTube/glamrstv

1. Prepare the blender first
2. Wash all ingredients thoroughly
3. Cut all the ingredients into small pieces
4. Put the fruits one by one into the blender
5. Pour water and blend
6. Pour into a glass and the drink is ready to be consumed
7. Consume this drink every day to get the desired skin beauty.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.