
The ingredients used to make this collagen drink are easy to obtain

  17 Februari 2024 08:00 - Increasing age is basically part of the aging process. The process of this phase can not only reduce energy, but also result in physical changes in a person's body. In the facial area itself, the aging process itself makes facial skin that was originally tight becomes saggy, giving rise to wrinkles in the form of fine lines and wrinkles.

The appearance of signs of aging in the form of wrinkles cannot be separated from the production factors of collagen and elastin in the skin, two protein components that function to maintain skin firmness and elasticity. As you age, your skin's ability to produce collagen and elastin decreases. As a result, it becomes difficult for the skin to maintain its structural strength and natural moisture, which then results in loss of skin firmness and the appearance of wrinkles.

You don't need to worry about facing this situation. The reason is that there are ways that can increase collagen production in the body again. One of them is consuming collagen drinks regularly, so that your face looks 20 years younger.

Talking about collagen drinks , this is a drink that contains collagen hydrolyzate or peptides. This content is a small protein and active molecule found in collagen.

In addition, collagen drinks contain antioxidants obtained from fruit extracts. The benefits of all these ingredients are that they can tighten, keep the skin hydrated, and increase collagen production naturally.

The ingredients in this drink are vitamins C, E, zinc and amino acids. Collagen drinks also contain antioxidants obtained from fruit. This is also used by YouTube user diynaturalrecipes which uses four fruits, namely pineapple, apple, banana, and strawberry.

The main ingredients above have their respective contents and benefits. Pineapples contain vitamin C which helps protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and increases healthy collagen production.

Then, apples contain antioxidants such as vitamin C, flavonoids and polyphenols which can fight free radicals and stimulate collagen production. The fiber contained in apples also helps in the body's detoxification process, so it can make the skin healthier.

Additional ingredients, such as bananas, are rich in iron, which is important in the collagen formation process. The vitamin C and potassium content in it also contributes to maintaining skin moisture and elasticity. Then, strawberries contain high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants, such as flavonoids and ellagic acid. This content can increase collagen production and help fight damage caused by free radicals.

So how do you make a collagen drink from the ingredients above? For those of you who want to make it, let's look at the steps below.


20 collagen drinks  YouTube

photo: YouTube/diynaturalrecipes

1. 1/2 pineapple
2. 1 banana
3. 1 apple
4. 5 to 7 strawberries
5. 1 glass of boiled water.

How to make:

20 collagen drinks  YouTube

photo: YouTube/diynaturalrecipes

1. Clean the pineapple first
2. Cut into several pieces
3. Cut the banana and apple into small pieces
4. Put it in a blender
5. Add water
6. Add strawberries and puree
7. Pour into a glass, and the collagen drink is ready to be consumed
8. Consume this drink every day to get the desired skin beauty.

Apart from treating aging, pineapple is also effective for brightening a dull face

Pineapple is actually a fruit that is good for brightening the skin. Reporting from Healthline, the bromelain enzyme in pineapple is an effective ingredient in accelerating the cell regeneration process, so it can help improve skin texture and brighten it.

Not only that, this fruit contains a lot of vitamin C which has previously been explained, which also has antioxidant properties and can inhibit the formation of melanin. So it can reduce the hyperpigmentation process which triggers darkening of the face.

Pineapple can also help the healing process of graded skin caused by acne

Pineapples are also known to contain natural exfoliants and enzymes that are good for helping overcome acne problems. Adapted from the First Post page, the bromelain enzyme in pineapple is a natural compound that also has anti-inflammatory properties. This content can help reduce skin inflammation and speed up the repair process of skin damaged by acne.

The alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) compound in pineapple can also help remove dirt and improve skin texture, thereby reducing acne and providing smoother facial skin.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.