foto: YouTube/kochen rezepte ;

These natural ingredients can be used to help brighten the appearance of teeth.

  23 Februari 2024 16:10 - For some people, having a beautiful smile that radiates bright teeth is a valuable asset. But unfortunately the beauty of a smile with clean, plaque-free teeth sometimes has to be destroyed because of the yellow stains that start to appear on the surface. Yes, over time your teeth can turn yellow due to the process of chewing food or the unhealthy habits you do. Especially if this routine is not balanced with regular intensive dental care.

A number of factors that cause yellow stains on teeth include consumption of colored drinks such as coffee, tea and fizzy or carbonated drinks. All these types of drinks have the risk of causing stains on your teeth which can make them turn yellow. Apart from that, bad habits, such as smoking, can also make your teeth yellow quickly. Cigarettes contain chemicals that can damage tooth enamel and cause a yellow color.

Consuming foods that contain high pigments, such as tomatoes, cherries or chocolate, also triggers yellow plaque on the teeth. Poor dental care or improper cleaning methods leave food and drink residue behind and trigger the appearance of bacteria that cause yellow and crusty teeth.

To brighten yellow teeth again, you can use natural methods. One of them is by combining toothpaste with various other ingredients, as was done by beauty vlogger Kochen Rezepte, reported by , Friday (23/2).

Natural ingredients for whitening teeth.

In the video shared, the beauty vlogger uses three main ingredients, namely egg shells, lemon and olive oil. Egg shells contain calcium to help strengthen tooth enamel, which is the outer protective layer. Strong enamel helps prevent tooth decay and helps keep teeth white. Egg shells crushed into a fine powder can act as a gentle cleaning agent to help remove stains on teeth without damaging the enamel.

Meanwhile, lemon is known to contain citric acid which can help reduce stains on teeth and give a brighter impression. The antimicrobial properties of lemons can help kill bacteria in the mouth, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum problems.

Meanwhile, olive oil contains anti-inflammatory properties which can help reduce inflammation of the gums and prevent gum disease. On the other hand, olive oil or commonly known as olive oil can also maintain moisture in the mouth so it doesn't dry out so that the teeth are better protected.

So how do you brighten your teeth using a combination of toothpaste and natural ingredients? For those of you who want to try, let's look at the information below as summarized by from the YouTube channel kochen rezepte, Friday (23/2).

brighten yellow teeth from various sources

photo: YouTube/kochen rezepte


- 1 egg shell
- 1 lemon
- 1 tablespoon olive oil.

brighten yellow teeth from various sources

photo: YouTube/kochen rezepte

How to make:

1. Prepare egg shells
2. Put the egg shells into a blender
3. Blend the ingredients and transfer them to a bowl while straining
4. Add lemon juice
5. Pour in olive oil and toothpaste
6. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
7. You can apply the combination of toothpaste with natural ingredients.

brighten yellow teeth from various sources

photo: YouTube/kochen rezepte

How to use:

1. Take your favorite toothbrush
2. Take a small amount of the mixed ingredients
3. Use it to brush your teeth
4. Rinse with normal water
5. Repeat this trick so that your teeth become bright and plaque-free, approximately two to three times a week.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.