foto: TikTok/@rosydaniel06

This condition usually appears when a person is 30 years or older.

  5 Februari 2024 16:10 - Currently, there are many products on the market that contain collagen as the main ingredient. Such as collagen serum, collagen cream, toner, and even masks. Collagen itself is actually a natural component of the skin produced by the body to maintain skin firmness. Apart from collagen, the body also naturally produces elastin which will maintain skin elasticity.

Even though it is already present in body tissues, as a person ages, the production of collagen and elastin will decrease. A decrease in these two components will result in skin aging. Some signs of aging that usually appear due to a decrease in collagen and elastin are wrinkles, fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. This condition usually appears when a person is 30 years or older.

Apart from age, the decrease in collagen in body tissue can also be caused by various external factors. Such as excessive exposure to sunlight, pollution, and unhealthy lifestyles. Some of these factors are also prone to making the skin, especially the face, easily dull and black spots appear.

It's not surprising that most people use skincare containing collagen to keep their skin firm. But unfortunately, not everyone is suitable for using collagen products sold on the market. Some actually experience skin irritation because of the chemical content in it. The solution, you can use natural ingredients to make a firming and brightening facial mask.

As shared by a woman via her personal TikTok account @rosydaniel06 on July 9 2022. In the 20 second video, the woman shares tricks for dealing with a sagging and dull face using only 1 food ingredient. The food ingredient in question is rice. He also added another ingredient, namely vitamin E.

"Let's make a brightening-tightening rice face mask (Let's make a brightening and tightening rice face mask)," wrote the woman in the uploaded video, which was reported by from the TikTok account @rosydaniel06, Monday (5/2).

Women overcome sagging and dull faces. Various sources


Rice is a staple food for Indonesian people which is high in carbohydrates. Even so, rice can also be useful for skin care, you know. One of them is to overcome various signs of skin aging. Reporting from Healthline, rice can repair skin damaged by sunlight. This is thanks to the antioxidant and antiaging content in it.

Apart from that, rice also contains gamma-oryzanol which can protect the skin from exposure to UV rays. The antioxidants in it can inhibit the activity of elastase or an enzyme that damages elastin. Even vitamin E in rice is also believed to be able to stimulate collagen formation. This is what will keep the skin firm. The amino acids contained in rice are also believed to be able to brighten the skin and prevent dull facial skin.

Meanwhile, vitamin E is also known as an ingredient that is widely used to brighten and prevent skin aging. Vitamin E has moisturizing properties which are considered good for facial skin. So the skin will maintain its firmness and suppleness. Even the high antioxidants in it will also help skin regeneration, so the skin will look brighter.

Women overcome sagging and dull faces. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@rosydaniel06

You can make an effective face mask from these two ingredients to treat a dull and sagging face. With regular use, you will get a firm, youthful and evenly bright face. Here's how to make and use it.


1. 1 Cup of rice
2. Enough water
3. 2 Vitamin E capsules

Women overcome sagging and dull faces. Various sources

photo: TikTok/@rosydaniel06

How to create and use:

1. Pour the rice into the pan and add water until the rice is covered
2. Cook over medium heat until the rice is completely soft
3. Turn off the stove then wait until it cools slightly
4. Blend the rice until smooth and the texture is like pasta
5. Add vitamin E then stir the two until evenly mixed
6. Wash your face first and make sure it is really clean
7. Apply the mask to your face thoroughly
8. Leave it for 20 minutes then rinse with water until clean
9. Continue using your favorite moisturizer
10. Do this regularly 2-3 times a week to get a bright and youthful face.

@rosydaniel06 How to many a ricemaks at home for skin tightening #foryou #facemask #home Glimpse of Us - Joji
