foto: YouTube/dr.emasuperr

Many people do not eat this food. But who would have thought that it could be used as natural collagen.

  18 Februari 2024 23:00 - Having a youthful facial appearance and not experiencing aging changes on the skin is everyone's dream, especially women. The reason is, this naturally youthful face can support your daily activities and can attract someone's attention.

However, it cannot be denied that as a person gets older, their skin will naturally experience a natural aging process. This phase causes a number of proteins, such as collagen and elastin in the skin, to begin to decrease. This is what makes the skin show signs of aging.

Collagen is the main structural protein found in the human body, including skin, bones, tendons and other connective tissues. Collagen has an important role in providing structure, elasticity and strength to the skin.

Naturally, collagen production in the body tends to decrease with age. This condition will eventually cause the skin to lose elasticity and experience signs of aging.

To keep your face youthful, you need to increase collagen production again. You can increase collagen levels by using natural ingredients, such as fruit, vegetables or food ingredients. These ingredients certainly have benefits, such as increasing skin elasticity and firmness, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, smoothing facial texture, and speeding up the wound healing process.

This is what a doctor named Ema did. He uses one food ingredient that is commonly consumed daily, namely chicken bones.

"If you have chicken bones, don't throw them away right away. Make natural collagen straight away," said Doctor Ema, reported by from the dremasuperr YouTube channel, Sunday (18/2).

Can chicken bones increase collagen levels?

How to make natural collagen from chicken from various sources

How to make natural collagen from chicken

Who would have thought that chicken bones, which are usually used to extract broth and make food mixtures, have benefits for beautiful skin. It turns out that chicken bones can increase collagen levels in the body. Chicken bones contain collagen in the form of type II collagen, which is the main type of collagen in joint cartilage. Regular consumption of chicken bones can help increase collagen production in the body, which is important for healthy and supple skin, as well as for maintaining healthy joints and bones.

"It's better to make natural collagen rather than collagen sachets," he said.

Benefits of chicken bones for skin beauty.

How to make natural collagen from chicken from various sources

How to make natural collagen from chicken

Reporting from from, Sunday (18/2), its ability to increase collagen levels naturally makes chicken bones able to treat dry skin, eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. On the other hand, the presence of other ingredients, namely amino acids and minerals, can actually support the regeneration and repair process of skin cells. This can help speed up wound healing, overcome inflammation. It can even repair skin damage caused by exposure to UV rays. Based on research, the collagen contained in chicken bones can prevent aging. Apart from that, chicken bones can also hydrate the skin.

"I don't use chicken feet and heads, because they contain skin and are high in fat. So what we get is a lot, rather than collagen," explained Doctor Ema.

Meanwhile, the presence of collagen is not only for beautifying the skin. However, this collagen can improve joint and bone health, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

"My advice is to take pure bones straight away, it can be chicken bones, beef bones, goat bones. It's free, just bones," added Doctor Ema.

That's some information about the benefits of chicken for skin health. Interested in consuming collagen from chicken that has a gelatin or gel texture? For those of you who are interested, let's look at the information below as summarized by from the dremasuperr YouTube channel, Sunday (18/2).


How to make natural collagen from chicken from various sources

How to make natural collagen from chicken

- Chicken bones
- 1 liter of water

How to make:

How to make natural collagen from chicken from various sources

How to make natural collagen from chicken

1. Cut the chicken bones into small pieces
2. Put one liter of water into the pressure cooker
3. Presto over low heat for approximately two hours
4. Pour the water into the container
5. Leave it for 24 hours, until it forms a gel
6. Separate the fat, and take the collagen at the bottom
7. You can mix the collagen with soup or eat it straight away
8. Consume approximately one tablespoon every day to get benefits for the skin
9. Store the collagen in the refrigerator, so it will last for one month.
