foto: YouTube/cak sol

A dirty razor can cause skin irritation.

  23 Februari 2024 17:10 - Shaving is a routine carried out by most people to remove fine hair on certain parts of the body. To shave, people usually use a shaver or razor to make the process easier without injuring the skin layer. This is because the skin areas that are usually shaved, such as the face and armpits, are sensitive parts that are vulnerable to injury. Therefore, the use and cleanliness of razors are very vital things to pay attention to.

After use, the shaver must be cleaned regularly to prevent bacteria from multiplying. In the cleaning process, you also have to pay attention to small details such as hair left between the tools. These tucked hairs can become a nest for bacteria and also make the razor dull. If left untreated, a razor that is not sharp can cause irritation or inflammation in the skin area.

Cleaning this razor is not enough by dousing it with water or wiping it with a tissue. To get maximum cleanliness, you can clean the razor with special tricks so that dirt and hair stuck between the razor are perfectly clean. What trick is that?

How to clean a razor.

Tricks for cleaning shaving residue from various sources

photo: YouTube/cak sol

" How to clean a shaver, " wrote the description in the video, as quoted by from the Cak Sol YouTube channel, Friday (23/2).

How to clean shaving residue was shown by a YouTube user named Cak Sol. In the video, which is approximately three minutes long, the man shows a dirty razor filled with hair left in it.

Tricks for cleaning shaving residue from various sources

photo: YouTube/cak sol

How to clean a razor starts by preparing a stationery, namely a glue gun. If you already have this main ingredient, the next method is to heat the glue gun.

Once done, gently apply the glue gun to the surface of the razor which is full of hair. Then, wait until the glue cools.

Tricks for cleaning shaving residue from various sources

photo: YouTube/cak sol

The next step, lift or pull the glue. After pulling it off, you can see that a number of dirt and hair residues are perfectly stuck to the glue. By using this method, your shaver will be clean again and you can use it.

Tricks for cleaning shaving residue from various sources

photo: YouTube/cak sol

Benefits of cleaning razors.

A razor that is used in a clean condition not only provides comfort when used, you know. However, there are other benefits you can get, such as:

1. Maintain skin cleanliness.

Cleaning your razor regularly can prevent the buildup of bacteria, dirt, and skin debris that can cause irritation, infection, or other skin problems.

2. Prevent discomfort.

The second benefit of cleaning a razor is that a dirty or rusty razor can cause discomfort when shaving, such as pulling, itching or skin irritation.

3. Improve shaving quality.

A clean and sharp razor will provide a better, smoother and neater shave without damaging or causing injury to the skin.

4. Prevent skin infections.

Cleaning your razor regularly can reduce the risk of skin or hair follicle infections caused by bacteria or germs that breed on dirty blades.

The dangers of using a dirty razor.

If the above is information about the importance of cleaning, this time you need to know the negative impact of not cleaning the tool at all. There are several impacts you need to know, such as:

1. Skin irritation occurs.

Dirty or rusty razors can cause skin irritation, rashes, or even potential cuts if used without cleaning them first.

2. Infection can occur.

You need to know, razors that cannot be cleaned cause dirt to accumulate. This is the risk of causing a number of bacteria or germs. Well, these two things can multiply on the knife. This is what causes infections of the skin and hair follicles. It can even cause acne on your facial skin, especially if the skin is injured during the shaving process.

3. There is damage to the knife.

Apart from that, shavers that are not cleaned regularly can become damaged. This can happen because a buildup of soap, dirt, or other care product residue on the razor can cause damage or wear to the blade. This, in turn, can affect its performance and cause unsatisfactory shaving results.
