foto: YouTube/sleekmakeupmalaysia4997

The end result amazes me.

  2 Februari 2024 21:10 - Everyone has different skin conditions, some have white, dark facial skin and uneven skin color, such as vitiligo. Vitiligo is a condition characterized by skin that loses the pigment melanin (which gives color to the skin, hair and eyes). This condition causes white patches to appear on the skin and can occur anywhere, including the face.

The appearance of vitiligo on the face may make some people feel insecure about appearing in public. To cover these deficiencies, applying makeup could be a solution. Not only to beautify yourself, some makeup products can also be used to cover blemishes on the face.

With the right makeup techniques and products , facial blemishes or other abnormalities can be covered perfectly. This is what a woman from Malaysia did. Through his YouTube channel, he shows how the power of makeup can disguise vitiligo.

women's makeup for plain faces with vitiligo various sources

photo: YouTube/sleekmakeupmalaysia4997

Reported by on Friday (2/2), in the video it appears that the woman wearing a red hijab has vitiligo in both eyes, under the nose and around the mouth. With the help of a makeup artist or MUA, the imperfections on her face are perfectly covered with stunning soft glam makeup results.

women's makeup for plain faces with vitiligo various sources

photo: YouTube/sleekmakeupmalaysia4997

As a first step, the MUA applies a primer as a makeup base, which is applied first to the vitiligo skin. So that the white color is covered perfectly, don't forget to apply foundation all over your face using a beauty blender. Then apply compact powder in the T-Zone area, so that the woman's face looks glowing.

women's makeup for plain faces with vitiligo various sources

photo: YouTube/sleekmakeupmalaysia4997

Then moving on to the eyes, the MUA formed the eyebrows and filled them with dark brown. If that wasn't enough, to make her makeup look fresher, she put a touch of purple and black eyeshadow in the corners of her eyes.

women's makeup for plain faces with vitiligo various sources

photo: YouTube/sleekmakeupmalaysia4997

A glossy effect is also added by using highlighter on the lower eyelid. The power of eye makeup is not only that, the use of eyelashes and mascara, adds a firm effect to the makeup. Entering the final stage, this soft glam makeup began to appear when the MUA applied pink blush on and a touch of purple lipstick.

women's makeup for plain faces with vitiligo various sources

photo: YouTube/sleekmakeupmalaysia4997

By choosing a soft glam makeup look, the face of the woman who previously had vitiligo looks smooth and blemish-free. His appearance is also increasingly charming with changes that make you wonder. There's nothing wrong with the woman's transformation before and after makeup making her unrecognizable.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.