See the oldest cigar factory in Indonesia located in Yogyakarta. The cigars produced by this factory are exported to international markets.

  8 Agustus 2019 14:14

Taru Martani is a legendary cigar company that has a long history. This company was founded by a Dutchman named NV Negresco in 1918. In 1942, the Japanese government changed the name to Jawa Tobacco Kojo. Since its inception, this cigar factory has changed locations.

Head of Production, Adam Santosa, said that currently Taru Martani is the property of the Yogyakarta government. Designated as a cultural heritage in 1997 based on Law no. 25. The name Taru Martani was given by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX in 1949.

"Taru means leaf, Martani means life. So the meaning of the Taru Martani philosophy is that leaves can give life to employees and the surrounding community at Taru Martani," explained Adam Santosa.

Having 270 workers, Taru Martani is able to produce 40,000 cigars every day. One production takes about one and a half months. Established for a century, this company has exported cigars to various countries, such as America, Switzerland, Japan, Georgia and several other countries.

Taru Martani only uses local tobacco, namely from East Java and Central Java. Adapting cigar formulas to the tastes of the exported countries. Taru Martani sets export prices starting from IDR 20,000 to IDR 50,000 per stick.

"If it's what Europeans like, they prefer it to be very sharp, but in America they prefer it to be heavy," concluded Adam.
