This young man from Yogyakarta succeeded in creating a bag made of wood. Now the target market is not only local but also international.

  15 November 2019 17:23

This is the result of the creativity of a man from Yogyakarta, Dody Andri. He succeeded in creating a wooden bag which has now become his business. According to Dody, the crafts that are sold abroad are the result of a fad

"Initially we produced watches from wood. Because at that time there was a boom in watches made from wood, right? In 2014. There were also many craftsmen in Jogja who produced them. At first it was just for fun, they followed suit, right?" explained Dody .

He was motivated by the wood business because he saw many wood craftsmen in Bantul. Then Dody started studying it in 2014. He abandoned wooden watches because price competition, which he said, was starting to become unhealthy.

"Because we have learned a lot, it feels like a shame. Maybe we didn't use the knowledge we had gained, because we were afraid of competing. Finally we used the knowledge to produce another product. The product is a passive speaker made of wood. From a speaker "That's how passive Ruaya became known in the first place," said Dody.

Feeling that business was starting to decline, Dody finally switched to women's fashion products. He explained that a product has a saturation period in the market. In fact, the merchandise was not sold for several months. Until finally turning around again. According to him, from input, from what he has experienced, almost 80% of the people who buy goods at exhibitions or anywhere are women. So from women he made bags from wood. Dody's wooden bags are sold under the Ruaya brand. The factory is in Dadapbong Hamlet, Sendangsari Village, Pajangan District, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

"There are various types of derivatives, so it looks like the brand is a bag like that. But our derivatives include wooden notebooks, speakers, card holders, headsets, clocks and so on. We also serve if someone orders souvenirs, so we do it Dody said.

For the bag, he chose mindi wood as the raw material.

Ruaya successfully produces 50 types of bags per month. One bag takes up to two days to produce. In a month, his income reaches IDR 30-40 million. Bags are sold from IDR 750,000 to IDR 1,200,000. Other products range from IDR 70,000 to IDR 300 thousand.
