Chat with Gus Fuad, about how he preaches using prayer media and rock music.

  31 Mei 2019 18:13

M. Fuad Riyadi or Gus Fuad lives in Plered, Yogyakarta. He is the founder of the Roudlotul Fatihah Traditional Islamic Boarding School, Plered. He is said to be quite eccentric because he chose rock as a means of preaching. He said that before preaching using music, he preached through literature and fine arts.

"Well, now I hang out with musicians. Coincidentally, I have liked playing the guitar since I was little, so we use that media as a da'wah. This means, if you have to play often in Islamic boarding schools, it's the student groups, using the recitation method and the ritual mobilization method, that's a group. "That's the only group that can be reached. I want the da'wah to spread everywhere. Of course, if I want to preach to the youth group, I have to be their family," said Gus Fuad.

Gus Fuad wants to spread da'wah in an interesting way, namely Rock Sholawat. Choosing the rock genre because he likes literary arts including musical arts. Gus Fuad also wants balance in preaching.

"The trend of preaching today is that there is too much talk about law and Shari'a. If this is continuously promoted, it will create tension. Because religion without Sufism without art will be like a zombie, but Sufism, art without Shari'a will be a ghost. So, we want complement and balance that," he explained.

Apart from that, Gus Fuad, who used to be a journalist, also has a band. Named Rofa Band which now has 2 albums and released 3 singles. Gus Fuad is targeting 100 songs about the Prophet. He was assisted by musicians from Yogyakarta.

When asked about the pros and cons of rock sholawat, he responded casually. He told about conflicts between sects that could kill each other.

"And aren't there various schools of jurisprudence that are good for Imam Syafii, Imam Maliki, Imam Hanafi? He himself said this, you know, if you feel that I really like it, please take it, otherwise it's not like that," he said in full.

Despite all the controversy about Rock Sholawat, Gus Fuad gave a message. That his religious mission is to glorify love.
