foto: YouTube/Thebeautytips

You can use this makeup product to make your own liquid highlighter.

  2 Februari 2024 15:10 - Liquid highlighter is a liquid makeup product that is used to emphasize the dimensions of the face after make-up. This product is often packaged in bottle form with a pump applicator for ease of use. By using highlighter, your makeup will look brighter and more alive.

The existence of liquid highlighter also gives a more natural glow to the skin. The liquid texture makes this product easily blend into the skin and provides a glowing effect. What's more, if you use this liquid highlighter combined with foundation. The combination of these two products is able to create an overall radiant makeup appearance.

For those of you who want to apply this makeup product, you can get it through online and offline beauty shops. However, most of these liquid highlighter products are priced at quite a drain on your wallet. Therefore, for those of you who don't want to spend too much money, you can make your own liquid highlighter at home.

tricks for making liquid highlighter using 1 skincare product  2023


Check out the tricks below as summarized by from the YouTube channel Thebeautytips, Friday (2/2) to make your own liquid highlighter at home.

tricks for making liquid highlighter from various sources

photo: YouTube/Thebeautytips


1. Eyeshadow
2. Small bowl
3. Aloe vera gel
4. 1 tablespoon glycerin.

How to make:

1. Prepare eye shadow with cream color and crushed bone white
2. Put the eye shadow into a clean bowl
3. Add enough aloe vera gel
4. Stir the ingredients
5. Pour in the glycerin and stir again until evenly mixed
6. Liquid highlighter is ready for you to use
7. Previously, do a test on the back of your hand
8. If the color is suitable then apply it to the face.

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