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26 Maret 2024 22:01

Without using cooking oil, the trick for boiling cassava leaves so that they are soft and stay green uses 2 kitchen ingredients

Cassava leaves contain vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and manganese. Dewi Suci Rahmadhani
YouTube/Ida Muntasiroh

Brilio.net - Cassava leaves are popular with many people because they taste delicious and have a soft texture. Apart from that, cassava leaves are also known to contain many nutrients that are good for the body, you know. Reporting from the dinkes.jogjaprov.go.id page, cassava leaves contain vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and manganese.

Not only that, cassava leaves are also one of the vegetables that have low calorie and fat levels, you know. It's not surprising that this menu is widely consumed as an everyday dish.

However, before being processed into a new dish, cassava leaves must be boiled first so that the texture is softer. But unfortunately, the process of boiling cassava leaves is not easy , you know. The reason is, if it is not boiled in the right way, the color of cassava leaves will actually turn brown.

So, in order to maintain the color of cassava leaves bright green, some people usually add cooking oil to the cooking water. But, apart from adding cooking oil, there are also other ways you can add it when boiling cassava leaves, you know.

This method was shared by YouTube user Ida Muntasiroh.

The trick for boiling cassava leaves so that they are soft and stay green uses 2 kitchen ingredients.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Ida Muntasiroh on Tuesday (26/3), he only relies on 2 kitchen ingredients, namely salt and baking powder.

photo: YouTube/Ida Muntasiroh

First of all, the YouTube user prepared 2 handfuls of cassava leaves. After that, the cassava leaves are washed thoroughly with running water. On the other hand, prepare a pan and boil water.

photo: YouTube/Ida Muntasiroh

If so, add the washed cassava leaves to the pan. Make sure the cassava leaves are completely submerged. Next, he added 1 tablespoon of salt and 1/2 tablespoon of baking powder to the boiled water. Then stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.

"The use of baking powder is to keep the cassava leaves green," said the YouTube user.

photo: YouTube/Ida Muntasiroh

According to this YouTube user, cassava leaves don't need to be boiled for too long, just 10-15 minutes. After that, the cassava leaves can be removed and drained.

photo: YouTube/Ida Muntasiroh

"After that, I wash it again, the purpose is to stop the cooking process and so that the color remains green," he concluded.

After washing, you can see that the color of the cassava leaves remains bright green even though they have been boiled. The texture is also soft and ready to be processed into various dishes.

Easy enough, right? This video, uploaded by YouTube user Ida Muntasiroh, has been watched 470 times, you know.

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