After being thought to be just content, this woman also admitted that she had prepared a house to live in together

  15 Juni 2024 04:00 - Every woman certainly has her own criteria for her partner. However, what is certain is that based on the many criteria, you must have income. Because, with sufficient income, the daily needs of the household will be met.

But it's different with the woman who went viral on social media recently. Reporting from the TikTok account @imasratnasarie, this woman named Imas admitted that she was not picky about her future partner. In fact, this woman who has been widowed for 3 years has no problem if her husband is unemployed in the future.

widow earning 15 million looking for a soul mate  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@imasratnasarie

"I've been a widow for three years and am looking for a husband, unemployment is not a problem either," wrote the woman as reported by on Friday (14/6).

Because, she said that if she already had a job with a high salary, her future husband wouldn't have to bother working. It was stated that his income reached IDR 15 million per month.

widow earning 15 million looking for a soul mate  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@imasratnasarie

"My monthly salary is 15 million, so it's enough for living expenses. The important thing is that my husband must be faithful," he added.

So that many people are interested in the competition, Imas does not set a large dowry. Imas just needs a man who is really serious. In fact, even with a dowry of Rp. 10, he didn't have a problem with it.

"My dowry is 10 thousand, seriously, my husband's finger, I'm a widow with children," she explained.

Not only that, Imas has also prepared Rp. 300 million and the house she will live in with her husband in the future. Imas did all this because he had a strong desire to have a partner.

widow earning 15 million looking for a soul mate  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@imasratnasarie

"I have prepared IDR 300 million for my future husband because I am looking for a husband. I am also building a house for us to live in," he added.

Imas' upload on TikTok immediately attracted the attention of netizens. Many people sanctioned Imas' uploads on TikTok and thought it was just content to increase popularity.

" This is just creating a scenario so you can really look for lots of interested candidates ," said @lanang.jagat532

" It's just a method and sensation ," added the account @da*

"Have you been successful on social media?," wrote @umar36685.
