Even though he lives barely, Mak Sombret never bothers other people, including his neighbors.

  13 Juni 2024 17:30

Brilio.net - Not long ago, the story of a grandmother named Mak Sombret went viral who wanted to accompany her neighbor on the pilgrimage. Her story made the public emotional because this grandmother, whose real name is Ratih, was willing to spend Rp. thousand to take a motorbike taxi from Kajen to Solo, because the bus group carrying prospective Hajj pilgrims ran out of seats in her village.

"Mbah Sombret, from Kulu Village, Karanganyar District...in order to be able to take a neighbor to the Hajj, he was willing to take a motorbike taxi from Kajen to Solo and go home for 600," explained the TikTok upload @DiiLa FadiiLa which immediately went viral on social media, reported on Thursday (13 /6).

In the end, Mak Sombret decided to meet one of the motorbike taxi drivers who was hanging out in front of his house to take him to the Solo Hajj hostel. In fact, it is known that the distance from his house to the Solo Hajj dormitory is quite far, namely around 190 km.

Unfortunately, Mak Sombret's desire to meet his neighbor who was going on the Hajj had to be dashed midway. Because, when he arrived at the Hajj dormitory, he did not meet his neighboring group. Instead, he only met a group from another village who were seeing off the Hajj.

The emotional story of Mak Sombret, a scavenger who harvests his fortune  various sources

photo: TikTok/@DiiLa FadiiLa

"At the Solo Hajj dormitory, Mbah Sombret did not meet the group from Kulu but instead met the accompanying group from Tanjungsari Kajen Village," added the video uploader.

Many then explored further about his figure . It is known that every day Mak Sombret works as a casual laborer looking for junk in Kajen Square and its surroundings. She lives alone, after her husband left in 2016.

Without a child, Mak Sombret lives in Dukuh Mbalong RT 2 RW 2 Kulu Village, Karanganyar District, Pekalongan Regency. The housing is also worrying. Located in the middle of a garden with an old building, Mak Sombret's residence only has dirt.

The emotional story of Mak Sombret, a scavenger who harvests his fortune  various sources

photo: TikTok/@adisiwanto12

According to Pekalonganinfo, in the eyes of neighbors, Mak Sombret is an inspiring figure because of his independent nature and doesn't like bothering other people. Even though his income is not large, he always sets aside some of his money for savings, in order to make his dream of going on Umrah come true.

Who would have thought, the viral story of Mak Sombret would open the door to fortune for him. Helping hands came from various communities, including the Inspector General. Pol. Ahmad Luthfi, Central Java Regional Police Chief. Through Kajen Police Chief, Mak Sombret provided assistance in the form of house renovations.

Not only did they build a house, the Pekalongan Police also equipped it with furniture, from mattresses, wardrobes, guest tables and chairs, kitchen and bathroom equipment. In fact, the Pekalongan Police also provided a television for Mak Sombret.

The emotional story of Mak Sombret, a scavenger who harvests his fortune  various sources

photo: TikTok/@adisiwanto12

His wish to go to the Holy Land finally came true. Mak Sombret received an offer to perform the Umrah for free from various Umrah and Hajj travel agencies. Apart from helping with passport processing, he also received pocket money during trips to the Holy Land.
