Guess what's behind the mosquito net?

  12 April 2024 14:45 - Every house certainly has its own design. This design is determined based on the owner's taste and also adjusted to the existing budget. For those who love aesthetics, their house will be designed as aesthetically as possible, there is a concept, even a philosophy for the shape of each part of the house.

Meanwhile, for those who have a tight budget, the house design can also be adjusted to make it pleasing to the eye but at a price that remains affordable. Apart from that, the shape of the house must also be adapted to the surrounding environmental conditions. This is because environmental conditions such as weather and land topography are very important to consider in house design so that the house building can last a long time.

Well, one of them is in this unique house. Have you ever imagined if there was a house whose design was covered by mosquito nets? Wow, what can I try? So you don't get mosquitoes? So that you're not curious, just look at the following series of portraits.

Reported by from the TikTok account @icakrnns on Friday (12/4), here are nine portraits that are unique and make you curious.

1. This is a portrait of the front of a unique house which is completely covered by a mosquito net.

portrait of a unique house covered with mosquito nets TikTok

photo: TikTok/@icakrnns

2. In fact, the kani or net that can be seen covering the length of this house is not a mosquito net, but a paranet net.

portrait of a unique house covered with mosquito nets TikTok

photo: TikTok/@icakrnns

3. The function of the paranet net itself is usually used to ward off wind and rain. Meanwhile, during the dry season, paranet nets are useful for preventing too much dust from entering the house.

portrait of a unique house covered with mosquito nets TikTok

photo: TikTok/@icakrnns

4. This is what it looks like from inside the house. Seen from inside the house, the front remains bright even though it is covered by paranet.

portrait of a unique house covered with mosquito nets TikTok

photo: TikTok/@icakrnns

5. The account owner explained that this paranet was deliberately installed to cover the entire front of the house because there was a lot of dust in the environment around the house which made the home owner uncomfortable.

portrait of a unique house covered with mosquito nets TikTok

photo: TikTok/@icakrnns

6. Previously, it was stated that the presence of this dust threatens the respiratory health of the occupants of the house.

portrait of a unique house covered with mosquito nets TikTok

photo: TikTok/@icakrnns

7. There was so much dust that it covered the car windows and could be written on.

portrait of a unique house covered with mosquito nets TikTok

photo: TikTok/@icakrnns

8. This is the condition of the vehicle parked in front of the house before the paranet net was installed.

portrait of a unique house covered with mosquito nets TikTok

photo: TikTok/@icakrnns

9. This is a portrait of the house without the parapet. It looks simple, typical of people's houses in the village.

portrait of a unique house covered with mosquito nets TikTok

photo: TikTok/@icakrnns
