YouTube/me_FSmom ; YouTube/Eugenia

If you use it too often to wipe oil stains in the kitchen, this rag also has the potential to become oily.

  11 April 2024 16:00 - Even though it is simple, kitchen towels play an important role in maintaining the cleanliness and health of the kitchen environment. With a variety of materials and designs available, kitchen towels can be used to clean surfaces, from kitchen tables, stoves, to other cooking utensils. Apart from that, kitchen towels also help reduce the spread of bacteria and germs that can cause disease.

The main function of a kitchen cloth is to clean and wipe various kinds of stains and dirt in the kitchen. Starting from food scraps, oil, to water splashes, kitchen cloths can help clean it all easily and effectively.

Unfortunately, regular use of kitchen towels also makes this tool dirty and dirty. If you use it too often to wipe oil stains in the kitchen, this rag also has the potential to be oily, you know. This accumulation of dirt and oil then makes the kitchen cloth smell musty and less comfortable to use.

If the condition is serious, some people usually wash kitchen towels with citron. However, if you don't have a stock of citrus, there are other ingredients you can use, you know. A YouTube user Eugenia once explained this further through one of the uploaded videos.

Tricks for washing dirty and oily kitchen rags so they are clean and scratchy.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Eugenia on Thursday (11/4), she admitted to using detergent as the main ingredient. But apart from that, there are also other ingredients that are thought to make the cloth rougher, you know. Well, the material in question is bleach. So to keep the rags clean as much as possible, Eugenia uses hot water to wash.

How to use it is quite easy. First of all, prepare a large stainless steel (heat resistant) pan or basin. Then add a kitchen cloth and sufficient detergent powder. If so, pour 1 tablespoon of bleach.

Tricks for washing dirty kitchen towels (Eid stock)  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Eugenia

After that, pour water until the entire surface of the kitchen towel is completely submerged. If so, move the container to the stove. Then boil this kitchen towel until the water boils. So, it doesn't take too long, okay?

"By boiling a dirty washcloth, all the germs and dirt will disappear, ladies," said YouTube Eugenia.

Tricks for washing dirty kitchen towels (Eid stock)  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Eugenia

Next, let the kitchen cloth sit until the water temperature drops or cools slightly. If so, then brush the kitchen cloth until it is really clean. After that, rinse under running water until the remaining soap is gone.

Tricks for washing dirty kitchen towels (Eid stock)  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Eugenia

So, this washed kitchen cloth can also be dried in the sun until dry. Or if you want to use it, you can use it directly when it is wet. However, if you want to store it, it's best to dry it in the sun first so that the kitchen cloth doesn't give off a musty smell. How, quite easy, right?

How to choose a quality kitchen cloth.

Choosing a quality kitchen cloth is important to ensure you get an effective tool for cleaning and maintaining the kitchen area. Here are several ways to choose a quality kitchen cloth.

1. Material.

Choose a kitchen cloth that is made from a material that is durable and easily absorbs water or other liquids. The materials commonly used are good quality microfiber or cotton cloth.

2. Size and thickness.

Choose a kitchen towel that has a size and thickness that suits your needs. A rag that is too small may be ineffective, while a rag that is too thick may be difficult to wipe well.

3. Absorption power.

Make sure the kitchen cloth has good absorption capacity so that it can clean stains and liquids effectively. Microfiber cloths tend to be better absorbent than regular cloths.

4. Durability.

Choose a kitchen cloth that is durable and not easily damaged even if it is washed and used frequently. Also make sure that the cloth doesn't lint easily or emit lint when used.

5. Ease of maintenance.

Choose a kitchen cloth that is easy to care for and wash. Cloths that can be washed using a washing machine and are resistant to the use of ordinary detergents are more practical to care for.

6. Safe for surfaces.

Make sure the kitchen cloth you choose is safe for use on various types of surfaces, such as glass, stainless steel, wood, or other surfaces that are generally found in the kitchen.

7. Ease of use.

Choose a kitchen cloth that is comfortable to use and easy to reach areas that are difficult to access. A cloth of the appropriate size and comfortable handle can make it easier for you to clean the kitchen.

8. Price.

Adjust the choice of kitchen cloth according to the budget you have. Even though quality is important, you also need to consider the price to suit your needs and financial capabilities.

9. Brand reviews and reputation.

Before buying, look for information about the brand of kitchen towel you are going to buy. Read reviews from other users and choose a brand that has a good reputation for quality and customer satisfaction.
