
Those who read it can smile to themselves, here.

  21 Mei 2024 21:25 - Everyone is free to express their love, some through random words, romantic chats, or even conveying affection through romantic love rhymes. Yes, the beauty of old Indonesian literature like this can be utilized in various aspects of life.

Pantun is an old type of poetry that has become a tradition of the Indonesian people. Ancient people loved to reply to rhymes, whether to exchange messages, as a means of entertainment, or even to welcome guests.

You could say, pantun has its own characteristics that can make people interested. Like this romantic and salty love rhyme which is both entertaining and can melt the heart of your lover.

Immediately, here are 45 romantic and salty love rhymes that can melt your partner's heart, as reported by from various sources on Tuesday (21/5).

Romantic and salty love poems will melt your partner's heart.

Romantic love poems and make salting  2024


1. Travel to the city of Medan,
Buy durian souvenirs.
Your face is beautiful,
Makes me fall in love and want to always be with you on the aisle.

2. Buy batik cloth at Klewer Market,
The batik is beautiful in various colors.
Your charm is like a shining gem,
Always makes me lulled.

3. Sit relaxed under a shady tree,
Reading folklore books.
With you I always feel calm,
And want to spend the rest of my life in your arms tightly.

4. My two eyes
I have one nose
My one heart
Just for you

5. Banana compote
Sumedang tofu
Even though the distance stretches
My love will not disappear

6. Bring a nail hit by a rock,
mixed with herbs on the stove.
My love is enough,
for you all the time.

7. A thousand ducks in the lion's den,
only one is striped
Thousands of girls in Indonesia,
you're the only one I love.

8. Drinking a cup of tea is warm
Drink a glass, someone asks
Who has this handsome man?
Can I fall in love

9. There is oil
There's wood
Yes, there are lots of guys in this world
But I just want you

10. Watered flowers will not wither
Always flowering without herbal medicine
Don't be afraid of losing me
I won't leave you

11. Sleepy eyes are a sign of night
Drink coffee mixed with honey
From the bottom of my heart
I am falling in love with you

12. Wild grass on the mat
Overgrown with roses
If you miss it, it will bloom even more
Only your photo is the bidder

13. Beautiful lady selling herbal medicine
The herbal medicine you drink tastes like noni
Even though it's rare to see
My love is only for you

14. Confectionery at the well
For me to drink herbal medicine
Wherever you go
I always miss you

15. Drink herbal medicine in the morning
In the afternoon, buy coconuts
Oh your smile
Sweet like sugar

16. Two or three antiques
Taken to the living room
Millions of beautiful women
There is no more beautiful woman than you

17. Go with Mom
Go buy new clothes
If you love me
Just say I love you

18. Take a trip to the Malay village
Don't forget to buy detergent
Everytime I see you
I fell in love all over again.

19. If there are lots of cows in the city
It's called a farm town
I'll wait for you in my dreams
Because we are far from each other

20. Sell cheap and sell quickly
On the street they sell shoes
If my brother loves me
Try saying I love you too

21. Even though it's only guava fruit
But this can be mixed
Even though it's rare to see
But my love is only for you

22. Buy nails with the queen
Buy herbal medicine from the king
My love is only one
Yes, just for you

23. Young duku coconut
The turtle eats it so it dies
Open your chest and see my heart
The arrow of romance lodges in the heart

Romantic love poems make those who read them smile faintly.

24. Take bamboo for sembilu
Fly away the dust from the cigar
I always call your beautiful name
In prayer all the time

25. Basil flowers in the sangku
My hands are hot and scalded
For my beautiful lover
I still walk the winding road

26. If there are fish in the pond
The flowers grow in the middle of the garden
If my love is deep
I don't care about the distance

27. Boarding rooms are square in shape
Rented by a baker
I say good morning
For you, the owner of the heart

28. The height of a coconut tree
His shell was burned red hot
Long time no see
The longing in my chest became more intense

29. Traveling in a Lamborghini
He wore it while running
Try looking into my eyes
You're the only one I'm looking for

30. Fresh young coconut in hand
Drink it in the afternoon on the beach
My love for you will not be lost over time
Like the waves never end

31. Close the window and lock the door
I want to sleep because I'm tired
My love is always pure
Even though my hair has turned white

32. Last day's work list
It makes you incredibly dizzy
You don't need to worry
My love is only for you.

33. Rosewater in a cup
Stored the jug under the machete
From the beginning to the end
My love is poured out for you alone

34. Sit back and relax reading a book
Read love story books
When I met you
Eh... I immediately fell in love

35. Drink herbal medicine during the day
Nail clippers at night
can I have you
To be my life's encouragement

36. Strong cupboard made of teak
Good teak from the island of Java
I love you with all my heart
O my soul-soothing girlfriend.

37. Odong-odong speeding on Jalan Baru
Carelessly bumped into a herbalist
I've wanted to say something for a long time
Do you want to be the father of your child?

38. Eat meat with lots of bones
It's really delicious to drink fanta
Seriously, it's just you
A special person that I love

39. The clothes trade is not selling well
Finally trade in herbal medicine
Marry only me
Let me be the priest of your life

40. Soto Banjar date brownies
Spicy fish stir-fried sago cake
I've been studying for a long time
To propose to my sister

41. Shooting ducks hits them straight away
The duck is lying on the mat
You're cute, I'm the one
The heart flutters in love

42. Go home to Cibubur
Missing an old friend named Agus
Every day I can't sleep
I want to keep meeting you.

43. Sweep the house until it is clean
One roof was taken away
Look into my eyes, beloved
My love is one and cannot be divided

44. Twinkling in the middle of the forest
There are beautiful and charming stars
Even though love has many obstacles
I guard him with loyalty

45. City roads have many pillars
Three must bring horses
I give you all my love
Whole body and soul

Characteristics of poetry.

Romantic love poems and make salting  2024


Pantun is a type of traditional Indonesian poetry which has distinctive characteristics that differentiate it from other types of poetry. The characteristics of pantun are as follows:

1. Structure:

- Consists of 2 to 4 lines.
Each pantun stanza consists of 2-4 lines, which is called a line.

- Has an abab pattern.
The rhyme pattern of the pantun is abab, which means the first and third lines rhyme, as do the second and fourth lines.

- There are slings and contents.
The first two lines of the pantun are called sampiran. Sampiran usually has no direct relationship to the content, and functions as an introduction or opening to the content of the pantun. Meanwhile, the last two lines of the rhyme are called the content. The content of the pantun is the part that conveys the meaning or message of the pantun.

2. Syllables and language:

- Each line of pantun consists of a minimum of 8 syllables and a maximum of 12 syllables.

- The language used in pantun is usually beautiful and easy to understand by the general public.

- Pantun often use figures of speech to beautify and strengthen meaning.
