Pantun is not just an ordinary literary work but contains a meaningful moral message.

  15 Mei 2024 23:59 - Inspiration about school doesn't just come from words of wisdom, you know. There are several other things that can inspire and motivate you to be better at school. One of them is with rhymes. Pantun is an old form of poetry that developed in Indonesian society.

The word "Pantun" itself is thought to come from the word "patuntun" in Minangkabau which means "guide". It's not surprising that pantun is called the biological child of the motherland. Apart from that, pantun has its own characteristics, such as rhyming abab or aaaa, containing a certain message, language that is easy to understand, and is often used in various formal and informal events.

You could say, pantun is not just an ordinary literary work but contains a moral message that can be interpreted but does not seem patronizing. It doesn't stop there, rhymes also contain elements of humor that make listeners feel entertained. It's not surprising that pantun is present at events such as proposals, weddings, social activities and others.

As a tradition of Indonesian society, pantun should be preserved in society, especially in schools. The reason is that the younger generation must know the unique literary works of their own nation which are rich in meaning.

The following are 50 examples of rhymes about school, inspiring and full of advice, reported by from various sources, Wednesday (15/5).

Rhymes about school, make you enthusiastic about learning.

Poetry about school  2024


1. A book in hand is like a window,
Open insight and knowledge.
Read diligently and carefully,
A brilliant future is at hand.

2. Beti drinks because she is thirsty,
When asked by my sister, the answer was complicated.
If studying is not serious,
The knowledge gained becomes increasingly difficult.

3. Looking for fish near the swamp,
Be careful, watch out for harm.
Respect your parents,
So that you don't become a disobedient child.

4. The teacher has an Adam's apple,
Likes to sit under without a mat.
Study diligently at school,
So you can move up a class.

5. Potatoes grow upwards and spread,
Passed by a squirrel.
Be diligent when studying,
So that dreams are achieved.

6. The teacher is teaching,
Remind children to bring supplies.
Achieve your dreams by studying,
Knowledge is gained eternally.

7. Wide stretches of oceans and seas,
I want to come and dive in.
You have a lot of insight,
It must be honed and deepened.

8. Dad holds a knife to sharpen it,
Then the meat will be chopped.
Study without getting tired,
So that you can get benefits and benefits.

9. The watermelon fell and burst into pieces,
Shining red in the sun.
If you are too lazy to go to school,
You'll definitely regret it later.

10. Split the coconut
Take it to market in a cart
Whoever is lazy about school
When you grow up you'll regret it later

11. Dad went fishing at the Mang Eman pond
Got gurami, cut one side
Don't be picky in making friends
To have lots of friends at school

12. Go to Rahmah's house to play
Don't wear sandals only on one side
Love your parents at home
And also respect the teachers at school

13. Go on a field trip to Pariaman
Don't forget to stop by Uda Attar restaurant
Schools are healthy, safe and comfortable
Make students more accomplished and smarter

14. Morning school, afternoon school
Don't forget to bring textbooks
To my beloved teacher,
We are ready to receive lessons

15. At school learn Arabic
Taught by a fierce teacher
Parents continue to hope
So that you will be a successful child in the future

16. Go to school abroad
Leaving kind relatives behind
Don't forget to always make your country proud
So that the Motherland will always be in our hearts

17. Brother is looking for you,
To be told to buy nutritious ingredients.
Don't give up your enthusiasm in seeking knowledge,
So that your life can be useful.

18. The road is muddy and dirty,
I saw him really stunned.
Even though the school uniform is worn out,
I got knowledge from my school.

19. Horses walking come here,
It came from the bushes.
Practicing knowledge every day,
So it's useful for children.

20. Chicks down nine,
One dead, eight left.
Knowledge may be a little behind,
But don't give up hope.

21. Master is truly noble,
Teaching children who can't.
Then become a useful person,
For the community, homeland and nation.

22. If you teach from the heart,
Being tired feels meaningless.
repeated over and over again,
Until finally the child understands.

23. Foxes fight against bees
A dead woodpecker in the middle
If you don't want to go to school
Mother and father must be anxious.

24. The rain and wind won't go away
The rain stopped going to the beach
Don't fight at school
If you fight you won't be smart.

25. Twilight appears in the red sky
It looks dark on the north side
Diligently do school work
The enthusiasm will definitely burn

Poems about school make you more motivated to pursue your dreams.

Pantun about school  2024


26. Go to school with pocket money
To buy herbal concoctions
When studying, make friends with books
Because books are a window to knowledge.

27. We returned to my village
My village is very friendly and noble
Don't get bored reading books
Book is a window to the world

28. The cable rope has broken
No wonder it feels rough
If you want to graduate immediately
So study diligently

29. I love eating taro
For sweet potatoes, just boil them
Even though you are smart
Keep seeking knowledge and keep learning

30. Rice fields must be cultivated
Jamilah harvests fruitful rice
Follow the teacher's advice at school
Don't be lazy and like to make excuses

31. Drink syrup from a glass,
Eat cake, taro cake.
Everyone clean the classroom,
Except for lazy monkeys.

32. Buy markers with Zakir
Zakir likes keeping cats
If you answer an exam question, think about it.
Don't even count buttons

33. There is a mountain and here is a mountain
In the middle there is Mount Rajabasa
There you go, you get confused, then you go there, you get confused
It's better to just go to school.

34. Inscription in the city of Blitar
Blitar is next to Sono
So children, don't pretend to be smart
Let me ask, not plonga plongo.

35. Take a walk to the market,
Buy Tayo's picture shirt
They say you're smart,
When I wanted to take an exam, I just stared.

36. If you go to the village
Don't forget to bring rice
Study diligently
So that you go up to class.

37. Parrots fly high
Pigeons fly to the rice fields
If we want to have high knowledge
Be diligent in studying.

38. I keep books on the table
I slowly opened it and read
Study diligently at a young age
When you grow old you won't be miserable.

39. Wrap the fish in paper
Then put it on top of the taro
If the school is quality
Definitely a classy nation.

40. Twilight appears in the red sky
It looks dark on the north side
Diligently do school work
The enthusiasm will definitely burn

41. May 2 education day
Ki Hajar Dewantara's birthday
if people don't go to school
your whole life will be miserable

42. Durian fruit is picked by a pole,
Ants line up on a board.
Don't be lazy about going to school,
Because it's for the future.

43. The taro tree has split,
Put up a raft for sale.
Instead of being lazy about going to school,
I'm sick, I can't walk.

45. It's good to exercise in the morning
Passing rice fields and rows of luxury houses
When you wake up in the morning, don't forget to read the prayer
Then take a shower and get ready for school

46. Looking for fish around the lake
Go home with a mat
Please convey it to your brother
What reasons do schools need to study?

47. Look at the flowers that are blooming
Beautiful views are visible
Make sure you have to study at school
So that you can become a useful, smart person

48. Start the vibrating motor
Feet have painful wounds
If you study hard
Future success will be achieved

49. Stomach aches from drinking herbal medicine
Until I bought the second type
You must continue to study
As a provision for old age

50. The road is muddy and dirty,
I saw him really stunned
Even though the school uniform is worn out,
I got knowledge from my school.

As additional information, it turns out that making rhymes is not difficult, you know. The reason is that a pantun is not only about rhyme, but there are also several things that need to be paid attention to. Among them, here's how to make a rhyme below!

1. Choose a theme and type of rhyme.

First, determine what theme or message you want to convey in the rhyme. Themes can be advice, experiences, feelings, or other things. After that, choose the appropriate type of rhyme, for example advice rhyme, humorous rhyme, riddle rhyme, etc.

2. Pay attention to the structure of the rhyme.

The pantun consists of 4 lines, with an overlay and content structure. Lines 1 and 2 are sampiran, functioning as an introduction. Lines 3 and 4 are the body, containing the message or essence of the poem.

3. Rhyme.

Good rhymes usually use the abab pattern. This means that lines 1 and 3 have the same rhyme (a), as do lines 2 and 4 (b). However, the aaaa pattern is also allowed.

4. Number of syllables.

Ideally, each line of rhyme has 8-12 syllables. This makes the pantun easy to read and sounds harmonious.

5. Use interesting language.

Interesting language is the main key to making rhymes. Not only that, you also have to choose words that are easy for everyone to understand. And don't use academic terms and the like. The point is that you can make rhymes using everyday language that is effective in conveying a message.
